Well I went in this morning. And before the polygraph I went back in this room and this guy was going over my personal history packet and was going through each page asking me questions to see if the info was correct. Well I told the truth about everything including the page about drug use. It has a list of drugs (has everything on there that you could think of) and it asked about steroids so I was like they prob won't care as long as i tell the truth. So I put down I did and some other info and it asks for date of last use so I put down around the june/july time frame period of last year 2006.
Well apparently your not alowed to use any type of drugs within the past 12 months so I was automatically disqualified and can never reapply. Sheesh I might of well of just lied and said 04 like I origionally had planned on doing but I was like nah, might as well tell the truth... But sh!t if I would of lied and got caught lieing the same outcome woulda happened, nothing worse, so it would of been worth a shot... how retarded. Plus not to mention he was talking about all the different "candidates" and how they place them in different catagories. Supposidly there's 4 for mine and I was in the top one "highly qualified". So gay, I'm soooooo pissed.