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Thread: failed the polygraph b4 I even took it.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    TRUE knowledge, THE light

    failed the polygraph b4 I even took it.

    Well I went in this morning. And before the polygraph I went back in this room and this guy was going over my personal history packet and was going through each page asking me questions to see if the info was correct. Well I told the truth about everything including the page about drug use. It has a list of drugs (has everything on there that you could think of) and it asked about steroids so I was like they prob won't care as long as i tell the truth. So I put down I did and some other info and it asks for date of last use so I put down around the june/july time frame period of last year 2006.

    Well apparently your not alowed to use any type of drugs within the past 12 months so I was automatically disqualified and can never reapply. Sheesh I might of well of just lied and said 04 like I origionally had planned on doing but I was like nah, might as well tell the truth... But sh!t if I would of lied and got caught lieing the same outcome woulda happened, nothing worse, so it would of been worth a shot... how retarded. Plus not to mention he was talking about all the different "candidates" and how they place them in different catagories. Supposidly there's 4 for mine and I was in the top one "highly qualified". So gay, I'm soooooo pissed.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    well, you can always be a fireman, better pay too..
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  4. #4
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    thats bullshit, they should just make you wait until it has been 12 moths... you should have done your research first though

  5. #5
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    in the words of george costanza "it's not a lie if you believe it"

  6. #6
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    You idiot..i could have told you that.

    I failed the sameway but mine was for Jane Mansfield (lol). They have a 2yr time frame which it has been well over 2yrs since i have done that but at the time it had only been a few months.

    It disqualified me and i have been bitter ever since because most cops are the biggest ****ing drunks and users on the planet.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    You idiot..i could have told you that.

    I failed the sameway but mine was for Jane Mansfield (lol). They have a 2yr time frame which it has been well over 2yrs since i have done that but at the time it had only been a few months.

    It disqualified me and i have been bitter ever since because most cops are the biggest ****ing drunks and users on the planet.
    lol yeah, everytime I see a cop now I'll be that way too... O well I say fvck them! So now I guess it's active duty for me as a MP now.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    Well I went in this morning. And before the polygraph I went back in this room and this guy was going over my personal history packet and was going through each page asking me questions to see if the info was correct. Well I told the truth about everything including the page about drug use. It has a list of drugs (has everything on there that you could think of) and it asked about steroids so I was like they prob won't care as long as i tell the truth. So I put down I did and some other info and it asks for date of last use so I put down around the june/july time frame period of last year 2006.

    Well apparently your not alowed to use any type of drugs within the past 12 months so I was automatically disqualified and can never reapply. Sheesh I might of well of just lied and said 04 like I origionally had planned on doing but I was like nah, might as well tell the truth... But sh!t if I would of lied and got caught lieing the same outcome woulda happened, nothing worse, so it would of been worth a shot... how retarded. Plus not to mention he was talking about all the different "candidates" and how they place them in different catagories. Supposidly there's 4 for mine and I was in the top one "highly qualified". So gay, I'm soooooo pissed.
    Why the hell would you put down that you did them before? Not the smartest of decision.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Why the hell would you put down that you did them before? Not the smartest of decision.
    it's a polygraph, and I talked to plenty of people who said they don't care if you tell the truth as long as your not lieing... However if you do lie then you won't be further considered in the hiring process... But I didn't know there was a 12month rule.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by unclemoney
    it's a polygraph, and I talked to plenty of people who said they don't care if you tell the truth as long as your not lieing... However if you do lie then you won't be further considered in the hiring process... But I didn't know there was a 12month rule.
    I got ya.

    Good luck with it ......pig !

  11. #11
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    You cant reapply to THAT ***artment...or to ANY ***artment?

  12. #12
    BG's Avatar
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    Man if you say you used drugs but longer then the 12 months, they grill the fuc out of you during the polygraph and not call you back.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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  13. #13
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    I remember vividly I was taking a piss for my parole officer one day and he asked me if I had well.. the piss question lol. (I'm not tryin to get suspended for you know what)
    I was like "no way I've been straight for like 5 years". And we somehow got into a discussion about testing for steroids.
    At some point (and I'm not sure how honest he was but his exact words were)
    "Even if you were using steroids I wouldnt care, hell the majority of the guys I knew in the academy were on the shit".

    My PO is cool as shit but probaly a bit more off the wall than your average person, which I reckon a lot of cops are when they're not on duty (like my professor this semester who was a cop but was also out of his fvcking mind) But he definently seems like a no bullshit kinda dude that tells it like it is.
    So I think its complete BS they have some stupid shit like that.
    But I guess that fact is you just gotta plan better for the test.

    And I would actually try to retake it in another year just for the hell of it. I don't buy that if you've juiced you can never become a cop. Now if you have a criminal record on the other hand thats a different story, but I just dont buy it. I'd see if there was ways aorund it.

  14. #14
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    This brings up another question to me... What kind of person who by the time they are 22 or 23 years old has never once experimented with any type of rec or gotten into some trouble? In my opinion, someone who stayed inside their entire childhood and teenage years playing dungeons&dragons and wouldnt have the first friggin clue about how to catch criminals. Ever hear the saying "it takes one to know one"...

    Im also really against the way the system is set up, how if a person makes a mistake in their younger years, or even later years, that its supposed to follow them around for the rest of their lives. What kind of message does that send for rehabilitation? No wonder the recidivism rate is so high, we let these guys out and now they cant get a job other then scrubbin grease trays in fast food joints.

  15. #15
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    ahh well..onto persuing other dreams..i dont think they polygraph mall security gaurds. just kidding...but i dont blame the hiring process for excluding people who have used drugs within the last year. "uh, i did an 8 ball yesterday, but it was my last one, i swear. so when do i get a gun?"

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