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Thread: Too good to be True?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Too good to be True?

    So I was at work today and I started talking with a manager in training... Well turns out he's a Real Estate Broker on the side and he was telling me how much money he makes... He owns four cars... 12 houses shared with his parents, and the only reason he got the job at my work was because he was so bored with all his free time! Anyways we talked for over an hour about it and he suggested I take a 6 month course to become a Real Estate Agent and he said he would hire me cause I looke like a good worker... He told me I could expect 45,000 every two months... I mean shit, I was like hell yes and I plan on looking into it... I mean, is this normal? Do you need to know the right people (as in him) to make money in this field?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Be weary

    Dude sorry to burst your bubble but even in the spring market we have right now your not goona make shit......... even the seasoned Realestate agents are hurtin.... its a good Idea to get your license bad Idea to jump into it right now.... But then again I'm a mortgage banker so what do I know =P

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    If you could make that much money just being a real estate broker don't you think everyone would do it? I'm sure you can make some good money but I don't think what he said is all true. but hell what do I know. Go for it and if you become rich let me know and I'll do it to.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatango2008
    If you could make that much money just being a real estate broker don't you think everyone would do it? I'm sure you can make some good money but I don't think what he said is all true. but hell what do I know. Go for it and if you become rich let me know and I'll do it to.
    umm thats not a very logical question...thats like saying If you can make so much money being an NBA star why doesnt every1 do it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    this is obviously a scam pretty soon he's probably going to tell you to buy his cds on real estate followed by his unstructional video and books. looks like the dude just want to make money off of you.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by PeteyK
    umm thats not a very logical question...thats like saying If you can make so much money being an NBA star why doesnt every1 do it

    There your wrong, because people spend years in college to earn a degree and not make anything close to what this guy is claiming.
    Don't you think if all you had to do was take a 6 month class and start making 40,000 in 2 months would'nt everyone be doing it. I would!
    And you can't compare what I said to somthing like becoming an NBA star because you have to have skill to do somthing like that. But what kind of skill do you need to take a 6 month class where they teach you everything you need to know.
    Last edited by beatango2008; 06-01-2007 at 11:30 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    edit for safety***
    Last edited by thegodfather; 09-26-2007 at 10:41 AM.

  8. #8
    far toooooooo good to be true imo!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    The last thing an agent making 20 G's per month has is extra time to become a manger in training somewhere.

    Do the math, the guy is a story teller.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    The last thing an agent making 20 G's per month has is extra time to become a manger in training somewhere.

    Do the math, the guy is a story teller.

    As a real estate agent I can tell you that it's probably the worst time to try being a full time agent. Besides, if your class is 6 months that would put you in the smack dab of winter to start out. Bad idea. Also, there is NO WAY in hell he's making that kind of money and he just wants another job to take up his time. Any real estate broker who is doing decent doesn't even have time to take a day off.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    the dude is a broker, he wants you to work for him, ***ending on how he sets it up, you get anywhere from 25-75% of the 4-8% you make off a sale....the more agents a broker has working under him, the more money he gets for sitting around and letting you use his license. by all means, you could make 45k every 2 months, I have alot of famliy that does real estate and makes that or better...but being a salesman DOES actually take skill, and you have to put up with the BS of people out just looking, or the damn old people that are out cause they are bored and have nothing better to do than to waste your time. Having the ability to sort out buyers from time wasters is something you develop over time and those people out there wasting your time, act like an ass until they leave =) the rest, kiss their ass until you can get your $$$...I dont know where you are from or what the laws are in your area, but 6months for a real estate license??? garbage....i got mine after a 1 week crash course...but im not exactly a sales person, i get too aggravated with those time wasters

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI

    As a real estate agent I can tell you that it's probably the worst time to try being a full time agent. Besides, if your class is 6 months that would put you in the smack dab of winter to start out. Bad idea. Also, there is NO WAY in hell he's making that kind of money and he just wants another job to take up his time. Any real estate broker who is doing decent doesn't even have time to take a day off.
    I know a few brokers, and that is 100% true

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    he means making that off commissions. you surely won't make that to start off and it's not guaranteed. only when you get experienced and if you close lots of deals.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    If it sounds too good to be true....... then it probably is too good to be true!!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by beatango2008
    There your wrong, because people spend years in college to earn a degree and not make anything close to what this guy is claiming.
    Don't you think if all you had to do was take a 6 month class and start making 40,000 in 2 months would'nt everyone be doing it. I would!
    And you can't compare what I said to somthing like becoming an NBA star because you have to have skill to do somthing like that. But what kind of skill do you need to take a 6 month class where they teach you everything you need to know.
    yeah nba star was a bad example but u know what i mean, a lot of ppl wouldnt get a job just because it will make them good money, a lot of ppl get jobs that they have an intrest in

  16. #16
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    Well I mean, I talked with this guy for over an hour and he seemed real educated about the whole topic... He has a degree in Bioengineering or something like that and used to work for Biotech, but said it was too boring... He payed his way thru school being a real estate agent... He owns his own company now and his dad got into the business and is now the president of his company... I live in California too so, I'm sure you could make quite a bit of money seeing as how housing is ridiculously expensive... Maybe I won't be making 45 g's a year... But he said after his second month he got a pay check for 28 g's and it just went up from there... Who knows... But I know I'm gonna give it a try, and if it fails... Least I know about houses

  17. #17
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    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Well I mean, I talked with this guy for over an hour and he seemed real educated about the whole topic... He has a degree in Bioengineering or something like that and used to work for Biotech, but said it was too boring... He payed his way thru school being a real estate agent... He owns his own company now and his dad got into the business and is now the president of his company... I live in California too so, I'm sure you could make quite a bit of money seeing as how housing is ridiculously expensive... Maybe I won't be making 45 g's a year... But he said after his second month he got a pay check for 28 g's and it just went up from there... Who knows... But I know I'm gonna give it a try, and if it fails... Least I know about houses
    Ive been in real estate (the commercial finance side) for a short while, the first thing I learned was not to believe 99% of the garbage ppl told me.

    The guy you spoke to is most likely a great salesman...If hes telling the truth about his income then he has to be to get to that point...if he can sell enough houses to make that amount of money, then u better believe he can sell an eager young driven individual on the real estate agent job...especially when its in his best interest

    THere is no such thing as a get rich quick job, being a successful real estate agent is a very demanding career, the whole idea that he was "bored" so he took another job seems off to me. if he spent the extra time in his real estate business as successful as he is, he could make a much better return on his time then in this new job.

    do a search on the forum about real estate/ re agents it has been talked about in a much more realistic light

    i dont want to burst your bubble but if this example is true, the real question is why wouldnt everyone be selling houses?

    (if you do get the job and make that much money let me know so i can move out there and start work asap)

  18. #18
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    Haha I will don't worry... Ionno, it does sound ridiculous but why would this guy lie to me? I mean he has nothing to gain from it... Now maybe I won't be making that much, at least I'll be making more then I am now... Barely above minimum wage, lol...

  19. #19
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    USA, NJ
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Haha I will don't worry... Ionno, it does sound ridiculous but why would this guy lie to me? I mean he has nothing to gain from it... Now maybe I won't be making that much, at least I'll be making more then I am now... Barely above minimum wage, lol...

    the point of him lying is to have you bust your ass and give a big chunk of your commission to him

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    source check
    he is lying

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Silver tongue!
    You believe him just like his clients do. He's a salesman, and sounds like a good one too. Use your own judgement here man.

    You can also caculate his bullshit a little something like this.

    Take his 12 houses and divide them by his 4 cars. 12/4 = 3. The 3 represents how many times he lies in each sentence.

    Now take that 45,000 and divide that by 3 and you will come up with the actual amount of money you might make in a year. $15,000

    Take $15,000 and multiply that by 3 and this is what he meant to tell you how much you will be making for him.

    If you need to use your fingers to figure this one out, thats fine, just make sure that you give him your final answer

  22. #22
    l2elapse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavinco
    Silver tongue!
    You believe him just like his clients do. He's a salesman, and sounds like a good one too. Use your own judgement here man.

    You can also caculate his bullshit a little something like this.

    Take his 12 houses and divide them by his 4 cars. 12/4 = 3. The 3 represents how many times he lies in each sentence.

    Now take that 45,000 and divide that by 3 and you will come up with the actual amount of money you might make in a year. $15,000

    Take $15,000 and multiply that by 3 and this is what he meant to tell you how much you will be making for him.

    If you need to use your fingers to figure this one out, thats fine, just make sure that you give him your final answer

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    You're getting duped. If you want to talk real estate shoot me a PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    $45,000 every 2 months??? The last thing I'd be doing if I was making 45k every two months is working part time as a f'ing manager somewhere.

    If I was making that kinda scratch, I'd be home sleeping or hitting the gym hard. Not trying to work and be hassled somewhere else on another job.

    Sounds to me that guy is lying about something.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Haha I will don't worry... Ionno, it does sound ridiculous but why would this guy lie to me? I mean he has nothing to gain from it... Now maybe I won't be making that much, at least I'll be making more then I am now... Barely above minimum wage, lol...
    You realise if you dont sell anything you dont make anything

  26. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1
    You realise if you dont sell anything you dont make anything
    VERY TRUE!!! BTW, I'm in the real estate industry, and he is probably full of $hit if he is training to be a manager. Anyone who is successful working for themselves, would never go back to working for someone else, IMO. I could think of thousands of things to do with spare time, but working as an hourly employee for someone else would not be on that list.

    BTW, with Daddy's help, it would not be too difficult in todays environment to have 4 cars and 12 homes, but ask him how much of that is leveraged or owned free and clear.

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