anyone use a good chemical solution(s) to remove bird crap from the paint of your car.
bimmer parked for three days and when i go back bird poop all over the hood/roof.
it was hot as hell straight up for thee days and the shit just ate into the paint.
i bough some stuff from Pep-Boys and started rubbing in the solution to remove bird shit (was mad as hell). It was another extremely hot day in low 90's as well where in the process of me keep trying to remove that crap the paint heated up/melted and somehow got chipped. Now i gots to repaint the f'cking hood since that chip is definitely visible and bother the f'ck out of me.
I just ordered a car cover to prevent that shit in the future since black paint is hard to keep clean all year round....hate wasting money on dumb shit like that