I NEVER have really listened to classical as a choice of music before but I was on some channel yesterday and heard this one song it was like the awesomest song I'VE EVER HEARD in my life. And I'm a trance addict so go figure.
It had lots of string in it, lol I know thats a terrible hint.
It was also a familiar one because I remember hearing it once before. I dont think it was Beethoven because I've heard some of is music before and it didnt sound like it.
Well my main question here is does anyone listen to classical?
I actually want to put a cd together of nothing but the best classical music out there and go through it and pick out my favorites than make like a condensed cd.
So if anyone not just KNOWS but actually KNOWS & REALLY LIKES certain classical songs please list some. This is like a whole new genre of music I want to learn, I figure might as well expand my herizon with music and not just be limited to the typical trance, rock, & rap plague.
Any recommendations? Thanks!!!