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Thread: Apple iPhone available June 29th!

  1. #1
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Apple iPhone available June 29th!

    Mark your calendars! The iPhone drops June 29th!!! People are going to be camping outside stores for this phone. Check out the ads.

    They're in quicktime format on Apple's site so I converted them to windows media.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  2. #2
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    my friend told me about this phone few days ago, its pretty sweet phone.

  3. #3
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    Very nice.....Carlos, did you (was it possible to) pre-order, or wait-list, for one?

    Stores are going to sell out instantly...hopefully there won't be any bugs in the first generation models.

  4. #4
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    yes there is pre-order though AT&T's website i believe. my dads whole comapny is converting over to apple iPhones and he ordered one for me to cant f*ckin wait, its gonna be insane.

    I have the verizon Wireless pocket PC XV6700 and its awsome but, the iphones gonna blow it out of the water!

  5. #5
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TR'05
    Very nice.....Carlos, did you (was it possible to) pre-order, or wait-list, for one?

    Stores are going to sell out instantly...hopefully there won't be any bugs in the first generation models.
    I want one but I'm not going to stand in line and sleep on the street to get one. I'll leave that up to the wackos to do.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  6. #6
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    lol, I was thinking the same thing.....I can't imagine the characters one would meet, though.

    I'm sure the 5th Ave. store will be a site to see.

  7. #7
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    Carlos, you know if it and when it will be available up here in Canada and what carrier it will be on....thanks....

  8. #8
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    pretty cool

    speaking of apple, anyone have any ideas if ipod 6g is going to be 100 percent touch sensative......I really really hope its not personally

  9. #9
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    Looks amazing. Any ideas how much it is?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    Carlos, you know if it and when it will be available up here in Canada and what carrier it will be on....thanks....

    There has only been mere speculation that Rogers would provide it because it is the sole user of GSM technonlogy in Canada. Rogers still has to determine if there is a market for it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Looks amazing. Any ideas how much it is?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    There has only been mere speculation that Rogers would provide it because it is the sole user of GSM technonlogy in Canada. Rogers still has to determine if there is a market for it.
    I was hoping it wouldnt be rogers...i have 2 phones and not one is a Rogers sucks too....

  13. #13
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    Carlos, you know if it and when it will be available up here in Canada and what carrier it will be on....thanks....
    Canada should get it January '08. I heard Rogers is bidding for it. Rogers is GSM correct?
    Quote Originally Posted by Prada
    There has only been mere speculation that Rogers would provide it because it is the sole user of GSM technonlogy in Canada. Rogers still has to determine if there is a market for it.
    Yep what he said.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  14. #14
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronReload04
    pretty cool

    speaking of apple, anyone have any ideas if ipod 6g is going to be 100 percent touch sensative......I really really hope its not personally
    This will be the new format for a video iPod. I'm sure it will not come out until early next year. There is no way Apple would gut sales of this phone.
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Looks amazing. Any ideas how much it is?
    $499 for the 4gig model and $599 for the 8gig model. The phone *may* be discounted with a 2 year contract. AT&T hasn't stated their contract prices yet.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  15. #15
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    Cool at least we'll get it here, but i hate rogers, there service area and reception is worst in canada...but they always get best phones first....

  16. #16
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB

    Cool at least we'll get it here, but i hate rogers, there service area and reception is worst in canada...but they always get best phones first....
    Apple designed software and hardware for the phone to detect when a device is interfering with phone reception.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB

    Cool at least we'll get it here, but i hate rogers, there service area and reception is worst in canada...but they always get best phones first....
    GSM=Global System for Mobile communications
    All phones that use SIM cards are GSM, so all your profile is in the SIM card not the handset. Hence you can change phones every minute if you wanted to as long as you keep the same SIM card your number will carry over. Telus and Bell use antique technology of CDMA/TDMA. For example I have one unlocked phone and two SIM cards, one US and one Canadian, I just swap them d e pending on where I am because I dont exactly like paying roaming charges

    Actually Rogers/Fido has the best network and reception in all of Canada. Their weakness is in the prairies and BC, maybe somewhat in the Atlantic provinces. Yet the major metropolitans are well covered.

  18. #18
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    For an extra $100 who wouldn't get the 8 gig, when already dropping that kind of cash?

  19. #19
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    yeah rogers is cool cause of the SIM/GSM idea compared to bell/telus...

    Rogers sucks in NB where i was even though they use telus towers there reception seemed the worst....even out in Alberta no one likes them...

  20. #20
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    this technology is fantastic....the iphone is truly truly amazing. just mind blowing....

    but with that and that all touch sensative format, i dont know, i just see problems.....problems that are inevitable......They just seem so vulnerable to damage.....the phone i am fine with

    but I dont know that I like the idea of ipod being purely touch sensative. I cant really talk without seeing it.....but, it just seems susceptable to damage, and not so durable....I can just see the touch sensativity, with time, getting worn out and inaccurate......I dunno, its neat and fantastic, but I just dont know

  21. #21
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Check it out. Another iPhone ad. This one shows internet access.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  22. #22
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    I'd like to see what that touch screen looks like after a couple of months.... I like the idea of having a video player and mp3 player but if they share the same battey with my cell phone I think I would run out of power before the work day is over...

  23. #23
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by manwithin
    I'd like to see what that touch screen looks like after a couple of months.... I like the idea of having a video player and mp3 player but if they share the same battey with my cell phone I think I would run out of power before the work day is over...
    I guess we have to wait and see.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  24. #24
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    U have to be an AT&T subscriber to use this phone? Also thats kinda weird every1 is gonna be carrying around a screen in their pocket...when i look at this i feel how 80 yr olds must feel when they see TVs and stuff...welcome to the 21st century

  25. #25
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    Too bad it's going to be carried by Roger's in Canada.
    Not tthat I've had any problems with them, but Telus has WAY more coverage in my province. Rogers has no signal at the 2 places I regularly camp, while telus has amazing signal there. Plus I just renewed my contract with Telus for 2 more years.

    Fido = worse phone company ever! I've had such horrible problems with them, that I'll never go back. Had to file 2 complaints with the BBB + published a letter to the editor about my hardships with that company.

  26. #26
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    Its massive. Its like carrying a refridgerator in your pocket.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Its massive. Its like carrying a refridgerator in your pocket.

    I also have something similar to a refridgerator in my pocket as well...BWHAHAHAHHA

  28. #28
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    Its massive. Its like carrying a refridgerator in your pocket.
    It's not that big. It's smaller than a lot of the other smart phones that are out.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  29. #29
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Study profiles likely iPhone buyers

    Consumers who are "definitely interested" in Apple's iPhone and who are likely to line up for the product launch on June 29th appear to consist mostly of middle-aged men with higher than average income, according to a new study from Solutions Research Group. The study, which profiled consumers looking to the iPhone its current $499 price tag, revealed that 72 percent of respondents were male with an average age of 31 years. Some 58 percent of participants had completed college vs. the 43 percent average, and 43 percent of total buyers live in New York or California for almost double the national average. What's more, 48 percent of respondents do not currently own an iPod, and earn 26 percent more money than the national average.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  30. #30
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WEBB
    Carlos, you know if it and when it will be available up here in Canada and what carrier it will be on....thanks....
    iPhone in Canada.
    Rogers Wireless is officially keeping its mouth shut, but you can bet it will be the carrier of Apple’s new iPhone when it’s released this summer.

    A rumour on Gizmodo stated bluntly that “Rogers is actively working with Apple to launch the iPhone in Canada as soon as possible and will be the exclusive provider of the iPhone in Canada. Availability and pricing aren't set in stone, yet.”

    The rumour was based on an unprinted customer service e-mail, the poster claimed.

    Not that it would be a shocker: There are really only two wireless carriers in Canada big enough to bid on an Apple entry into the cellphone market — Bell Mobility and Rogers Wireless — but only one of them, Rogers, operates on the world-standard GSM network, which is what Apple’s iPhone will be using.

    Rogers spokeswoman Odette Coleman would neither confirm nor deny the rumour, but you can hear her rubbing her hands with glee over the prospect of nailing down the much-hyped iPhone in her e-mail to me: “Speculations aside, we have not made any announcements about iPhone. [Rogers Chief Operations Officer] Nadir Mohamed said this, though since we are a GSM carrier and the iPhone is a GSM device, we are in a very good position to bring the phone to Canada.”

    There is a crescendo of hysteria building around the iPhone’s arrival, which is atleast a few months away (for Canada). It’s driven mostly by people who have fallen in love with the sexy phone’s design but haven’t actually held it yet. Since it’s a touch-screen device, it immediately raises a few questions — how will its glass front react to being banged around in a pocket or purse? Will it suddenly start dialling when you reach for your car keys and bump it? And how will it react to sweat, ear grease and fingerprints? And how difficult would it be to operate in sub-zero winters?

    Although the faithful accept everything Apple produces as manna from heaven, it’s interesting to note that the responses on the Gizmodo website were largely negative. Many of them were complaining about Rogers as a carrier, and their suspicion that Rogers will price the phone’s service out of most people’s league.

    If that happens you can’t blame Apple, but it’s still a problem for Apple if it wants to sell a lot of these sexy iPhones, in Canada or elsewhere.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  31. #31
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    Im surprised by this study b/c i would expect more younger people to be into this such as they were with ipods, and apple products now are bought more b/c of how they look and b/c its the IN thing more than just b/c ease of use. Older people who make good money and are into tech things like my bro (26) already have thigns like pckt pcs as w/ my bro or blackberrys as w/ most businessmen. he also said it looks nice but why bother when hes already got a phone and a pocket pc that are capable of everything it does

  32. #32
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    this phone is sick... i want one

  33. #33
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    After going through umpteen iPods and having had countless iMac problems I have no desire what so ever to ever purchase another crapple product. Plus 8gigs isn't that much considering my current mp3 player has 30.

  34. #34
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeteyK
    Im surprised by this study b/c i would expect more younger people to be into this such as they were with ipods, and apple products now are bought more b/c of how they look and b/c its the IN thing more than just b/c ease of use. Older people who make good money and are into tech things like my bro (26) already have thigns like pckt pcs as w/ my bro or blackberrys as w/ most businessmen. he also said it looks nice but why bother when hes already got a phone and a pocket pc that are capable of everything it does
    Here is the full article.

    Profiling a cross-section of those aware of the phone in May, Solutions Research Group has found that many of those who will "definitely" investigate the phone at its minimum $499 price are new to Apple, AT&T, or both.

    Of the interested respondents culled from the 1,230 total, nearly half -- 48 percent -- said they didn't already own an iPod, making the iPhone their only (if not very first) Apple-branded music player. The news could be very beneficial for the handset creator, which may bank on newcomers to reach its forecast of 10 million sales by the end of 2008.

    "Half of the potential buyers are not current iPod users, so it will expand Apple's 'installed base' footprint," said the study's director, Kaan Yigit. If Apple followed its iPod strategy of launching less expensive hardware over time, he predicted, market growth would be steady.

    Potentially as surprising is the typical choice of cellular service provider. Those most likely to queue in line on June 29th are existing subscribers to AT&T's only GSM-based rival, T-Mobile USA, at 15 percent. AT&T's existing customers are second to express an interest at 12 percent, the researchers note. Sprint and Verizon customers show the least attraction to the phone at 7 and 4 percent respectively.

    This last point could be critical to AT&T, Yigit added, as the network is poised to snare the majority of iPhone buyers from its competitors rather than from the ranks of its faithful. The top-ranked carrier is in the midst of a transition away from the Cingular name and could see its new name gain added respect by offering the Apple device.

    "The big winner is AT&T," he said. "In one nifty move, they are able to inject cool into their brand at a speed and scale that's hard to believe. Among T-Mobile customers whose contracts are coming up for renewal this year, a significant proportion will look at this product in place of, say, Sidekicks and the like. And among AT&T customers, a significant minority... will look at upgrading."

    A full 73 percent of the complete survey were said to already know about the iPhone, which is "remarkable" for any pre-launch device, Yigit commented.

    Less shocking were the cultural and gender demographics of the interested subjects. The majority fit the pattern of the young, successful male. According to Solutions Research Group, the average iPhone customer is a 31-year-old man with a college degree and an income of $75,600 per year -- a salary 26 percent higher than the American average. Almost half (43 percent) of all likely buyers lived in technically a***t states such as California and New York, but only 28 percent were female. Younger buyers dominated, with 63 percent aged 34 or younger.

    These patterns were to be expected given Apple's image, Yigit claimed. Cautious respondents were more likely to be more "mainstream" and include more women, while the iPhone's early fans were more often bound to fit the Apple user stereotype.

    "This product is still mainly a male urban-hipster object of desire at this stage and with this price point," the director said.

    However much the survey might reinforce common perceptions of who will buy the iPhone, Yigit pledges that the results will be part of an ongoing study of digital consumerism tracking the iPhone as it reaches customer hands in coming months, proving whether or not Apple's promotional buzz translates to real subscribers.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  35. #35
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lpicken
    After going through umpteen iPods and having had countless iMac problems I have no desire what so ever to ever purchase another crapple product. Plus 8gigs isn't that much considering my current mp3 player has 30.
    When people have problems with Macs it's usually user generated errors. I have used Macs for over 10 years flawlessly.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  36. #36
    if the LG prada isnt here before then i will get this phone, or i might even wait, half my screen of my chocolate is cracked due to violence... so if i get a new flashy phone i know im going to treat it like a baby

  37. #37
    It looks like a pretty cool phone. I have Verizon so I'm not sure if I can use it. Also, it looks a little big to me. I have to have my phone with my 24/7 and I don't want to carry around a brick. I look forward to seeing it when it comes out.

  38. #38
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    I have the treo650 for Verizon and love it. I can imagine this being a huge upgrade but I don't think I'm willing to part with the great service I get just for a phone. I had Cingular/AT&T for a while a few years ago and it wasn't too good of reception in the areas I'm in the most.

  39. #39
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    if the LG prada isnt here before then i will get this phone, or i might even wait, half my screen of my chocolate is cracked due to violence... so if i get a new flashy phone i know im going to treat it like a baby
    I think the Prada phone costs more than the iPhone and does less.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  40. #40
    LG are very strong, if thrown mine at the wall a few times,, stomped on it like no other.. and half my screen in different places is cracked thats it.. today i through it at my dash board and the battery flew out the window.. when i stopped to get it.. a half dozen cars ran over it and i put battery back in and it still worked fine.. great strong phone if you have a habit to drop it or just a bad temper.. i dont think the ipod phone will be in switzerland or france for months correct me if you know any information.

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