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Thread: sister's messed up dream

  1. #1
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    sister's messed up dream

    My sister told me this ****ed up dream she had recently. I thought I'd share it and see what you guys think about it.

    Ok for starters, my sister is an atheist. She's one of those people that can only believe what she sees. Anyways, she's at school, and she's having a debate with her friends about the whether God exists or not. Her friends are strong christians.

    That night, some kind of poltergeist visists her, and gives her a some kind of sword that has blue flames around it. The poltergeist says that God is really the evil one, and satan is actually good, or something along those lines. And that she is supposed to kill all christians to "save" them.

    So during the day, she lives a normal life. At night, she becomes just a shadowy figure, with a black robe and carrying the blue flamed sword. She uses some kind of infrared(sp) vision to scope out the christians. Then she would stab them in the heart to save their souls.

    She goes around the whole world. Until the time comes when she has to save her friends. She tells the poltergeist that she just can't stab her own friends. But the poltergeist says that if she wants them to be saved that she must. She hesitates while trying to stab her friends, and they awaken. They scream in the night, but they are silenced quickly before anyone can hear them.

    Anyways, I thought I'd share her dream. I thought tai's dream was messed up, but this one definetly takes the cake.

    PS- For all the christians, if any of you are offended I apologize. Sometimes people just have dreams that make no sense. Like for example, I had a dream that I was Rocky Balboa's son, and I was meant to fight him.

  2. #2
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    ive had tons of twisted dreams....some i can link to manifesting subconscious or conscious stress, or anxiety, or whatever..others i cant really explain at all. i dream't once that i killed my own dad...sure it was ****ed up, but what ive learned is not to put much stock in what my mind comes up with when im not awake and making conscious decisions...unless its something with some kind of translating context i can directly connect with..but the obscure shit, i just consider it entertainment. i mean shit... riding around on a ****in satanic steed slaying people with a sword engulfed in blue flames? that sounds ****in awesome!!!
    haha, i dont know...obviously there was shit lingering in her head from her debate with her it probably would in mine if i was arguing the very structure of beliefs my friends had, and it was something i was passionate about..her sub-conscious just took what was there and ran with it.

  3. #3
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    I had a dream when I was a little kid, that I turned into a hamburger and the dog ate me.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebjack
    I had a dream when I was a little kid, that I turned into a hamburger and the dog ate me.

  5. #5
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    thats crazy but 1 time I had the craziest dream ever. I knew I was in teh dream. SO it was like San Andreas for the whole dream. I killed ppl and banged girls robbed banks stole cars. good times

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed
    thats crazy but 1 time I had the craziest dream ever. I knew I was in teh dream. SO it was like San Andreas for the whole dream. I killed ppl and banged girls robbed banks stole cars. good times

    That is lucid dreaming..which is very cool. You can train yourself to lucid dream but it takes a while.

    Do a search on lucid dreaming and you can find out how

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
    My sister told me this ****ed up dream she had recently. I thought I'd share it and see what you guys think about it.

    Ok for starters, my sister is an atheist. She's one of those people that can only believe what she sees. Anyways, she's at school, and she's having a debate with her friends about the whether God exists or not. Her friends are strong christians.

    That night, some kind of poltergeist visists her, and gives her a some kind of sword that has blue flames around it. The poltergeist says that God is really the evil one, and satan is actually good, or something along those lines. And that she is supposed to kill all christians to "save" them.

    So during the day, she lives a normal life. At night, she becomes just a shadowy figure, with a black robe and carrying the blue flamed sword. She uses some kind of infrared(sp) vision to scope out the christians. Then she would stab them in the heart to save their souls.

    She goes around the whole world. Until the time comes when she has to save her friends. She tells the poltergeist that she just can't stab her own friends. But the poltergeist says that if she wants them to be saved that she must. She hesitates while trying to stab her friends, and they awaken. They scream in the night, but they are silenced quickly before anyone can hear them.

    Anyways, I thought I'd share her dream. I thought tai's dream was messed up, but this one definetly takes the cake.

    PS- For all the christians, if any of you are offended I apologize. Sometimes people just have dreams that make no sense. Like for example, I had a dream that I was Rocky Balboa's son, and I was meant to fight him.
    Honestly, when God hasn't filled your heart it is much easier for Satan to take control.... you are unprotected. Perhaps that is evil trying to take advantage of your sister's God-lessness.

    I encountered an evil spirit once while trying to Astral Project... one of the scariest experiences ever. There is evil, and the devil DOES exist. The biggest accomplishment Satan has made is convincing the world that he doesn't exist

  8. #8
    IronReload04's Avatar
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    man, that would be a kickass movie......Somthing along the lines of Blade, but your sister is the bad guy.....and some other badd ass bruce willis type is the good guy, or better yet, a juiced up guy is the good guy....

    very cool dream...

    I have had a whole slew of sick and twisted dreams lately....they all involve me passing out in the dream and waking up at the same instant i pass out int he dream, I think that should get a whole thread of its own

  9. #9
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    Or she could have been angry at her friends during the arguement, but decided not to show it. The anger manifested and then in her subconcious dreams her anger was taken out... Notice she hesitates to kill her friends, but does it anyway. Then again I could be looking into it to much -.-

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    The biggest accomplishment Satan has made is convincing the world that he doesn't exist

    Very true!
    ***No source checks!!!***

  11. #11
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    Superhuman- No offense bro, and I hope we don't get into an argument. But I don't buy into that God hasn't filled our hearts, so satan has her under control. I don't have anything against anyone with faith, it's just something that's never really appealed to me. But you seeing an evil spirit has spiked my curiousity. Would you mind explaining it?

    Ironreloaded- I agree! That would be a kickass movie. After she told me that dream, and some others she had, I had a hard time getting to sleep. Scary movies like Saw, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and even The hills have eyes didn't do this to me.

    Renesis- She dreamed that she argued with her friends. I don't think she's ever argued with her friends over religion, God, etc. In fact she's actually gone to youth group with her friends a couple of times, and talked about the anti-christ. This resulted in her having another weird dream.

    This time the anti-christ takes over the world in a couple of days. While he was sitting in his "office" my sister (is an adult in her dream) seduces him, and steals his power somehow. Satan appears and says "you have failed me my son, you have been tempted." Then she wakes up. Another weird dream, but it would be a great movie.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Honestly, when God hasn't filled your heart it is much easier for Satan to take control.... you are unprotected. Perhaps that is evil trying to take advantage of your sister's God-lessness.

    I encountered an evil spirit once while trying to Astral Project... one of the scariest experiences ever. There is evil, and the devil DOES exist. The biggest accomplishment Satan has made is convincing the world that he doesn't exist

    To bad if your catholic/christian in the bible God himself states that doubting his and the devils existance is ok.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis
    To bad if your catholic/christian in the bible God himself states that doubting his and the devils existance is ok.
    ok butthead too bad you suck

  14. #14
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    I am cornholio O_O

  15. #15
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    I think perhaps if she starts to talk about something else during the day other then these topics the dreams may change.
    Last edited by mick-g; 06-04-2007 at 06:44 PM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
    Superhuman- No offense bro, and I hope we don't get into an argument. But I don't buy into that God hasn't filled our hearts, so satan has her under control. I don't have anything against anyone with faith, it's just something that's never really appealed to me. But you seeing an evil spirit has spiked my curiousity. Would you.
    Well, my grandmother was a psychic (not one of those crazies... she had a real life but she would always have visions and she was actually hired by the SFPD in california to solve crimes, she led them to bodies and stuff) and my mother has had stuff like that happen as a child but she ignored it. I feel like I have that gift (or curse) yet I haven't tapped into it.

    ANYWAY I was reading about astral projection and how your spirit and conciousness can go places while your body stays - similar to remote viewing (which is legit and was used by the CIA and FBI). I decided to go visit my GF at the time in her house while I was at mine. I laid down on the ground flat, turned the lights off, and but earmuffs on so I would have no distractions at all. I began to focus on my breathing and completely relax. After a while I felt like I was floating and I could feel myself leave my body. I was floating out of my room when I became frozen. I couldn't move and the most intense fear and anxiety came over me.
    A dark figure came towards me slowly, a large demonic one... the most frightening thing I had ever seen. I couldn't move, I couldn't run. Somehow, even though my phone was in the other room, my GF called me and I heard it... allowing me to quicky return to my body and tell her what happened. It was crazy. I later talked with someone who actually worked for the CIA and he said that you have to ask God for protection before you do it, as you need a guide in the spirit world. There is evil everywhere and you just don't know it.

    As far as your sister goes, I don't think Satan can just take over someone's body, but stuff like this can happen... he can whisper in their ears and influence them in different ways, such as the dreams your sis has been having.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis
    I am cornholio O_O

  18. #18
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    since we cant make refrences to specific drugs im just going to say while googely eyed i have had long thoughts about how God could be the evil one and satan the good. ive also thought about what would justify, or make the suicide bombers correct in what they do. i wont go into it b/c its prob just googely thoughts that are completely wrong (i hope) and i doubt any1 wants to hear the details

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeteyK
    since we cant make refrences to specific drugs im just going to say while googely eyed i have had long thoughts about how God could be the evil one and satan the good. ive also thought about what would justify, or make the suicide bombers correct in what they do. i wont go into it b/c its prob just googely thoughts that are completely wrong (i hope) and i doubt any1 wants to hear the details
    well I completely understand the suicide bombers to a point. Imagine if the American homeland was invaded by the Soviets during the Cold War. I woud be throwing molotov cocktails, taking out Soviets left and right in the streets of Atlanta... hell if I thought it was the only thing I could do to make a difference I would blow myself up to take out a few Russians. You catch my drift? That is their home and they hate us... but what they don't understand is that in a ****ED UP way we are trying to help them, not exterminate Iraqis

  20. #20
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    Interesting...very interesting. So you could actually walk into the girl's dorm room without being noticed eh? But are you sure you weren't dreaming? What you described sounds like you were dreaming. So have you ever seen any other spirits? Any good ones?

    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Well, my grandmother was a psychic (not one of those crazies... she had a real life but she would always have visions and she was actually hired by the SFPD in california to solve crimes, she led them to bodies and stuff) and my mother has had stuff like that happen as a child but she ignored it. I feel like I have that gift (or curse) yet I haven't tapped into it.

    ANYWAY I was reading about astral projection and how your spirit and conciousness can go places while your body stays - similar to remote viewing (which is legit and was used by the CIA and FBI). I decided to go visit my GF at the time in her house while I was at mine. I laid down on the ground flat, turned the lights off, and but earmuffs on so I would have no distractions at all. I began to focus on my breathing and completely relax. After a while I felt like I was floating and I could feel myself leave my body. I was floating out of my room when I became frozen. I couldn't move and the most intense fear and anxiety came over me.
    A dark figure came towards me slowly, a large demonic one... the most frightening thing I had ever seen. I couldn't move, I couldn't run. Somehow, even though my phone was in the other room, my GF called me and I heard it... allowing me to quicky return to my body and tell her what happened. It was crazy. I later talked with someone who actually worked for the CIA and he said that you have to ask God for protection before you do it, as you need a guide in the spirit world. There is evil everywhere and you just don't know it.

    As far as your sister goes, I don't think Satan can just take over someone's body, but stuff like this can happen... he can whisper in their ears and influence them in different ways, such as the dreams your sis has been having.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
    I think perhaps if she starts to talk about something else during the day other then these topics the dreams may change.
    She's told me some other weird ones she's had before she ever knew about atheism, or any other kind of religion. My parents raised us both as Lutherans. Not really serious ones, but my parents both believe in God and satan, and all that.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    [QUOTE= The biggest accomplishment Satan has made is convincing the world that he doesn't exist[/QUOTE]

    i agree!!!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulldawg_28
    Interesting...very interesting. So you could actually walk into the girl's dorm room without being noticed eh? But are you sure you weren't dreaming? What you described sounds like you were dreaming. So have you ever seen any other spirits? Any good ones?
    for the most part, yes indeed his story sounds far fetched, but I was told about this when I was in college, by a friend of mine, a very strange dude, who swears this is real. I am one to believe in the spirit world, and the possibilities of what can be achieved. I have since spoken to several people who state this as a very real phenomenon.

    I would love to experience things like this

  24. #24
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    100% sober? reminds me of stories ud hear on erowid except those stories involve alot of other substances

    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman

    ANYWAY I was reading about astral projection and how your spirit and conciousness can go places while your body stays - similar to remote viewing (which is legit and was used by the CIA and FBI). I decided to go visit my GF at the time in her house while I was at mine. I laid down on the ground flat, turned the lights off, and but earmuffs on so I would have no distractions at all. I began to focus on my breathing and completely relax. After a while I felt like I was floating and I could feel myself leave my body. I was floating out of my room when I became frozen. I couldn't move and the most intense fear and anxiety came over me.
    A dark figure came towards me slowly, a large demonic one... the most frightening thing I had ever seen. I couldn't move, I couldn't run. Somehow, even though my phone was in the other room, my GF called me and I heard it... allowing me to quicky return to my body and tell her what happened. It was crazy. I later talked with someone who actually worked for the CIA and he said that you have to ask God for protection before you do it, as you need a guide in the spirit world. There is evil everywhere and you just don't know it.

    As far as your sister goes, I don't think Satan can just take over someone's body, but stuff like this can happen... he can whisper in their ears and influence them in different ways, such as the dreams your sis has been having.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    crazy stuff

  26. #26
    Join Date
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    Weird dream. Sounds like her atheist thoughts are spilling over into her dreams now as a confirmation to her personal beliefs.

    To anyone who questions whether or not God is real and was Jesus ever really here on earth. To them I say, "What year is it?"

    Simple question, but think about it. Why have we been keeping track of the last 2007 years?

    Why is it June 16th, 2007 AD. After who's death?

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