My sister told me this ****ed up dream she had recently. I thought I'd share it and see what you guys think about it.
Ok for starters, my sister is an atheist. She's one of those people that can only believe what she sees. Anyways, she's at school, and she's having a debate with her friends about the whether God exists or not. Her friends are strong christians.
That night, some kind of poltergeist visists her, and gives her a some kind of sword that has blue flames around it. The poltergeist says that God is really the evil one, and satan is actually good, or something along those lines. And that she is supposed to kill all christians to "save" them.
So during the day, she lives a normal life. At night, she becomes just a shadowy figure, with a black robe and carrying the blue flamed sword. She uses some kind of infrared(sp) vision to scope out the christians. Then she would stab them in the heart to save their souls.
She goes around the whole world. Until the time comes when she has to save her friends. She tells the poltergeist that she just can't stab her own friends. But the poltergeist says that if she wants them to be saved that she must. She hesitates while trying to stab her friends, and they awaken. They scream in the night, but they are silenced quickly before anyone can hear them.
Anyways, I thought I'd share her dream. I thought tai's dream was messed up, but this one definetly takes the cake.
PS- For all the christians, if any of you are offended I apologize. Sometimes people just have dreams that make no sense. Like for example, I had a dream that I was Rocky Balboa's son, and I was meant to fight him.