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Thread: Philosophy Majors

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Philosophy Majors

    Anyone here Phil majors? or have any experience in it?
    Its not my major, but I need the class. And my prof likes for us to ask great interesting questions regarding philosophy. Anyone have any good questions. Those interesting, debating questions. This is Intro into Phil, so we aren't into any heavy stuff.

    Also, Im going to be having some essay questions that I might need help with some topics. So, feel free to post here and/or PM me. It would be helpfull.


  2. #2
    I had a friend who actually majored in philosophy at a VA Tech. He works in manual labor now doing water/sewer construction.

    Okay, here's a great philosophical question: Why should anyone ever major in philosophy if it never leads to a real job?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Some go to college to get jobs...others go to actually learn.

    Its amazing what the study of philosophy can do for an individual. Its not even so much the questions that are studied in class but the process by which this is done. The critical thinking skills are developed extensively and an understanding of a logical system of argument is formed.

    PS-one can always go to law school with a phil degree...I am.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    i've taken intro to philosophy 1 and 2 at a college level and managed to good grades with relatively little effort.

    most of it is just common sense, it all ***ends on your professor i had one that was really interesting and one that i would only wake up during class when my head hit my desk from nodding out (not even kidding). philosophy is one of those glorious subjects where you can bs most of the work.

    my brothers got a philosphy degree and a history degree, both useless in the real world, unless you want to teach philosophy or history. he works in insurance.
    Last edited by gooer; 06-08-2007 at 02:15 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Tesla

    Okay, here's a great philosophical question: Why should anyone ever major in philosophy if it never leads to a real job?
    You could become an author (3 books) in the field of Anabolic Steroids, and earn $200/hour for steroid consults, and own your own business by the age of 29, and have a couple of best selling supplements. All with a degree in Philosophy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Iraq now
    Outstanding, lmao, I'm minoring in philosophy, and majoring in theologies, and Im not religious, Just find it chance of a job from either of those, but thats not what I'm looking for. Philosophy all ***ends on you view on things, its really one of those no wrong answer kinda things, so long as you can explain it. That being said, it ***ends on the teacher, if you get a bad one, well than if you do not think what he dose, your wrong.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    The Nut House
    Here's one:

    Technology has made our lives easier, but has it made humanity any happier?

    Took a phil class back in college

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