NOW my left nostril is starting to swell like the right did when it started
SWEET MERCY the infection is spreading!
these antibioitics better fuxin start working soon kuz they are destroying my stomache
NOW my left nostril is starting to swell like the right did when it started
SWEET MERCY the infection is spreading!
these antibioitics better fuxin start working soon kuz they are destroying my stomache
Maybe you are growing a second penis inside your nose?
i hope so.. god knows i need another one.. ON MY FACE.
that sucks dude...but does each one of your nostris really deserve their own thread. i mean come on...all they really do is supply your body with the air it needs to survive when your mouth is closed...which im guessing isint very often.
yes they do the pain is so great it cant be contained w/in one thread!Originally Posted by thetank
hey foolio... eat some yogurt to help your stomach replace the good bacteria the antibiotics are destroying. Should help with any diarhea antibiotics may cause. Also defeats your inner hollow... but thats another story
dude what if u have a tumor or cancer or something real bad like that? did u get xrays?
It's not a tumor! It's not a tumor at all...!
Originally Posted by Gungnir
Are you sure the doc gave you the right antibiotics? The infection could be resistant to the particular one your taking.
ROFLMFAO.....Originally Posted by thetank
heheheOriginally Posted by cfiler
yeah, .. u would laff! u just wait ur time's a cometh!Originally Posted by rubix6
o man, anti-b's screwing with your stomache.....Tetracylcine makes me puke.......Theirs this other antibiotic that is really strong that doesnt bother my stomache at all and can be taken with food i believe......Cant remember the name of it, it was pellots in a cap.....YOu can can talk to your doc. for sure they were pellots.....60 percent sure the pill looks yellow and blue if that helps, but that was a year or 2 agoOriginally Posted by taiboxa
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