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Thread: sopranos

  1. #1
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    can't believe its over, best show series ever fvckin made. anybody know if there are other shows coming out that will match this?

  2. #2
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    lol just realized somebody already made a thread. comes on late in cali so it just got over here.

  3. #3
    Rye_guy's Avatar
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    no show will compare to the sopranos.

  4. #4
    zimmy's Avatar
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    yah this is the 2nd favorate show of mine ever...farscape being number one...and they are both over

  5. #5
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    i remember somebody telling me there is gonna be a similar show with one of the same actors... i dunno if thats true tho.

  6. #6
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    That was the lamest ending I could imagine. What a let down. Waited all season for something exciting to happen at the end and what do we get? An f'in blackout?! The last episode pretty much ruined it for me. I had much higher expectations.

  7. #7
    mmabox is offline New Member
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    I agree; very lame ending. It pissed me off when it cut off at the end. Oh well.

  8. #8
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    yea it was kinda strange that it just blacked out. lol i thought my tv went out, i was pissed!! but im glad they didn't just make the ending a big bloodbath, also glad they killed that piece of sh^t leotardo

  9. #9
    Titleist's Avatar
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    Yeah that ending sucked ass. That was by far the best series ever on TV. The writer is a genius and each actor/actress portrayed their character perfectly. Pauly always cracked me up.

  10. #10
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    I think everyone in the country thought their cable went out. My wife and I were on the edge of our seat counting down the minutes til the show was over cause they usually end it a few minutes before 10. Then it just went black. I heard today that they may have done that to leave it open for possible alternative endings on DVD or if a movie ever came out.

  11. #11
    operationgetbig's Avatar
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    i think one of the shady looking trucker guys the camera kept focusing on was at a sit down with tony and phil earlier in the series. it was phil's nephew. the screen went black cause they wanted to keep the possibility of a movie alive. or it just went black cause tony was killed instantly and they like doing all these metaphors on this show. i think if fans saw him get whacked they'd think that was a bad ending too. even tho tony's the bad guy he is the hero of the show. an "anti-hero"

    what i think happened is:

    1: meadow walks in and sees Tony get whacked right in front of her eyes or

    2: she walks in and sees Tony's about to be whacked and tells him to duck and she gets shot or

    3: she walks in, tells him to watch out and tony kicks their asses.

    I just need some closure with this show. there needs to be a movie cause it cant just end like that.

  12. #12
    operationgetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    I think everyone in the country thought their cable went out. My wife and I were on the edge of our seat counting down the minutes til the show was over cause they usually end it a few minutes before 10. Then it just went black. I heard today that they may have done that to leave it open for possible alternative endings on DVD or if a movie ever came out.
    i also heard that about the alternate endings. that would be cool to see in the dvd...another way to make money by selling the season for 70 bucks. and they know alotta people will buy it cause we want to see the alternate endings.

  13. #13
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    Actually that guy that plays Paulie even said in the interview that they may have something planned for the future.

  14. #14
    Tapout's Avatar
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    so who do you think wacked him--the guy that went to the bathroom?--when he came out

    this is like sienfield--the show starts over when they get out of jail

    in 2 years when James Gandolfini doesnt get great parts they can start show over in the restraunt

  15. #15
    xpijeonx is offline Associate Member
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    I was talkin about this with some friends and one claimed that he read in a magazine that there is going to be a movie...

    The ending was lame to me though...

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    i think one of the shady looking trucker guys the camera kept focusing on was at a sit down with tony and phil earlier in the series. it was phil's nephew. the screen went black cause they wanted to keep the possibility of a movie alive. or it just went black cause tony was killed instantly and they like doing all these metaphors on this show. i think if fans saw him get whacked they'd think that was a bad ending too. even tho tony's the bad guy he is the hero of the show. an "anti-hero"

    what i think happened is:

    1: meadow walks in and sees Tony get whacked right in front of her eyes or

    2: she walks in and sees Tony's about to be whacked and tells him to duck and she gets shot or

    3: she walks in, tells him to watch out and tony kicks their asses.

    I just need some closure with this show. there needs to be a movie cause it cant just end like that.
    yea that guy looked really familiar to me too. i feel like i saw him in one of the previous seasons. i didnt think the writer would have made it that obvious tho.

  17. #17
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    David Chase is the MAN. The ending sucked yes but you cant overlook the thousands of implications (not referring to what *may have happened) that an ending like this executes on the fans of the show.

    If Tony got shot everyone would be saying the next day "hey yo I knew that dude was gonna get whacked"

    Massive family mutilation? Something like the above. "oohhh I KNEW something huge was gonna happen".

    He left many Sopranos addicts in thier beds that night restlessly tossing in frustration of the ending. of such a great show. He tooled with your instincts, twisted your expecations, and surprised nearly EVERYONE with no real surpise ending at all.

    Tony is NOT the boss.

    David chase is, he made his mark and that is his way of making this fact known.

    the Sopronas life will just have to continue.. in the most powerful place it can reside, not a TV, but your IMAGINATIONS.
    Everyone always wants closure, than they get it and toss it to the side and forget things ever happened.

    Sopranos will NEVER be forgotten.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 06-11-2007 at 11:50 PM.

  18. #18
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    my thoughts exactly

  19. #19
    operationgetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    David Chase is the MAN. The ending sucked yes but you cant overlook the thousands of implications (not referring to what *may have happened) that an ending like this executes on the fans of the show.

    If Tony got shot everyone would be saying the next day "hey yo I knew that dude was gonna get whacked"

    Massive family mutilation? Something like the above. "oohhh I KNEW something huge was gonna happen".

    He left many Sopranos addicts in thier beds that night restlessly tossing in frustration of the ending. of such a great show. He tooled with your instincts, twisted your expecations, and surprised nearly EVERYONE with no real surpise ending at all.

    Tony is NOT the boss.

    David chase is, he made his mark and that is his way of making this fact known.

    the Sopronas life will just have to continue.. in the most powerful place it can reside, not a TV, but your IMAGINATIONS.
    Everyone always wants closure, than they get it and toss it to the side and forget things ever happened.

    Sopranos will NEVER be forgotten.

    you got some really good points

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by deadlifts
    ummm hello?? Earth to Rye guy...ever heard of a lil show called "everybody loves raymond"?
    are you kidding

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    you got some really good points

    And he did it in under 500 words this time

  22. #22
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    The problem I have with the ending was that there was no art to it. No imagination. It was not clever at all and didn't live up to all the twists and turns that made the series so great. It just ended with Tony stuffing his face as usual with his brat son complaining and then looking up at what I took it as Meadow walking in the front door. Big deal. If he had looked to his right toward the bathroom where the shady guy at the bar had gone and had a look of shock on his face right before the screen went black then yeah, it might have been more exciting. This conclusion left me with nothing to guess at because as far as I'm concerend the episode was incomplete. I feel Chase dropped the ball and left the majority of his viewers very dissappointed. I waited all year for this season and sat through 8 episodes to be left guessing for myself what could happen next? That's not what I watched the show for. It's like reading a book with no last page.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    David Chase is the MAN. The ending sucked yes but you cant overlook the thousands of implications (not referring to what *may have happened) that an ending like this executes on the fans of the show.

    If Tony got shot everyone would be saying the next day "hey yo I knew that dude was gonna get whacked"

    Massive family mutilation? Something like the above. "oohhh I KNEW something huge was gonna happen".

    He left many Sopranos addicts in thier beds that night restlessly tossing in frustration of the ending. of such a great show. He tooled with your instincts, twisted your expecations, and surprised nearly EVERYONE with no real surpise ending at all.

    Tony is NOT the boss.

    David chase is, he made his mark and that is his way of making this fact known.

    the Sopronas life will just have to continue.. in the most powerful place it can reside, not a TV, but your IMAGINATIONS.
    Everyone always wants closure, than they get it and toss it to the side and forget things ever happened.

    Sopranos will NEVER be forgotten.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    yea that guy looked really familiar to me too. i feel like i saw him in one of the previous seasons. i didnt think the writer would have made it that obvious tho.
    It's pretty common to see extras playing different parts in more than one episode. Good eye though.

  24. #24
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    I am so pissed about that ending. That was so weak. Somebody needed to die. That needed to end like scarface with 20 minutes of gunfire to end the show.

  25. #25
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    just read an interview with chase saying that a movie probably won't happen. he said he wasn't trying to be "coy" to set it up or anything just doesn't think he would do it.

  26. #26
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    The problem I have with the ending was that there was no art to it. No imagination. It was not clever at all and didn't live up to all the twists and turns that made the series so great.
    Thats exactly all the Sopranos really was, a glimpse into the life of a mafiadon. I do think because a lot of producers feed into the "go out with a bang" season finales, people naturally expect something HUGE to happen.

    It really was *just another episode of the Sopranos. Worse than some and better than others. But for some weird reason, being such a great show that is was, and the mastermind who created it, I think Chase had his own reasons for doing what he did.

    Maybe he wanted to rebel to convention, maybe he had some sort of hidden message to the viewers.
    Thats all Sopranos really was - was the story of a family, I do suppose the end could have been better, but its like this way Soprano's lives forever.. because there was never closure.

    Who knows? I was pissed myself but am sure Chase has some artsy/philosiphical reasons for doing what he did. BECAUSE we all KNOW that he is capable of producing an excellent hours worth or suspense and anticipation.
    So he HAD TO have a reason NOT to decide to go out with a bang. IDK but I really do think if Tony would have just gotten shot in the restaraunt that night people still wouldnt be talking about it like they are now.. just a speculation. But who really knows anything?

    More I try to intepret it the more my brain hurts.

  27. #27
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    Listen to us like a couple of movie critics. I could have lived without a big bang ending but something more than such an abrupt blackout scene would have been more fulfilling. I remember many episodes that ended suddenly and it left me screaming "noooo" but this one just made me look at the blank screen in a confused daze. I guess I'm pissed because there isn't going to be a next week so nothing is going to be answered.

  28. #28
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jerseyboy
    Listen to us like a couple of movie critics. I could have lived without a big bang ending but something more than such an abrupt blackout scene would have been more fulfilling. I remember many episodes that ended suddenly and it left me screaming "noooo" but this one just made me look at the blank screen in a confused daze. I guess I'm pissed because there isn't going to be a next week so nothing is going to be answered.
    Nah I hear you. I was watching it with my dad and when the screen went black I said "fvcking comcast cable! FVCK!!" (thinking the cable went out because it randomly blacks out every now and than)
    And than when I realized it was the actual ending I think I cursed more in the next 15 mins than in the whole 3 hours of scarface.

    Ok I'm done with this Soprano topic lol

  29. #29
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
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    season finale sucked so bad!!!

  30. #30
    jerseyboy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Nah I hear you. I was watching it with my dad and when the screen went black I said "fvcking comcast cable! FVCK!!" (thinking the cable went out because it randomly blacks out every now and than)
    And than when I realized it was the actual ending I think I cursed more in the next 15 mins than in the whole 3 hours of scarface.

    Ok I'm done with this Soprano topic lol

    Yeah lets start a Comcast sucks thread!!!

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