Got a problem. And to be honest it really is begining to effect me and my girlfriend and although I do not think that it has been an issue at work I can see how it could. Now the problem I have is memory loss. I presently have a degree in Biology along with a minor in chemistry both of which I’m very proud of and have always considered myself somewhat competent in many areas.
But lately I can’t remember shit! I mean it’s simple little things that my GF might mention that is rather important to her and I forget to ask her about it later on in a future conversations. Dates, times, simple stuff. I don’t have a problem with remembering the 1000 and one chemical/mathematical equations to calibrate ozone sites, or calculate data. But ask me to remember something that someone said to me 5 minutes ago? This really is bothering me. It’s like the other day I was introduced to a new employee, and before our very first conversation was over, I found myself forgetting his name already.
Anybody out there has ANY suggestions? Books that may hit on memory loss, or more importantly, how to retain info, ect. Thanks