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Thread: Memory loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Memory loss

    Got a problem. And to be honest it really is begining to effect me and my girlfriend and although I do not think that it has been an issue at work I can see how it could. Now the problem I have is memory loss. I presently have a degree in Biology along with a minor in chemistry both of which I’m very proud of and have always considered myself somewhat competent in many areas.

    But lately I can’t remember shit! I mean it’s simple little things that my GF might mention that is rather important to her and I forget to ask her about it later on in a future conversations. Dates, times, simple stuff. I don’t have a problem with remembering the 1000 and one chemical/mathematical equations to calibrate ozone sites, or calculate data. But ask me to remember something that someone said to me 5 minutes ago? This really is bothering me. It’s like the other day I was introduced to a new employee, and before our very first conversation was over, I found myself forgetting his name already.

    Anybody out there has ANY suggestions? Books that may hit on memory loss, or more importantly, how to retain info, ect. Thanks


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    I'm like that in a way. I used to remember the smallest details and now simple things like names escape me. I have problems remembering things that don't directly affect me. Some might say I just don't care, but I seriously think I lost something. There's got to be some kind of professional that handles this kind of stuff. Maybe there's a simple trick to improving memory. You'll make it through this Tobey.

    P.S. You still owe me 50 bucks.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I can't remember shit either and I"m not talking about little things. All I remember is formulas for school and that's it. I don't know anybody's name unless I say it a 100 times. I'll go to the fridge and forget what I wanted, I always have to write everything down or I'll forget to do it.

    You might want to look into meditation, It helps me clear my mind.

    BTW: Great movie about memory loss: MOMENTO

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    this happend to me once as well i was in the hospital after an operation and the next day i needed to call my mom for a lift home well..
    i couldnt remember my home phone number which weve had for the last 6 years. and i didnt want to ask the nurse as it would sound really stupid so i just waited until one of my family members came to see me.

  5. #5
    People that have no problem remembering names and phone numbers are said to be more dominant on the right side of their brains. Those people are usually more analytical and logical. Whereas people that have an easier time remembering faces are said to be moe dominant on the left side of the brain. Those people tend to be more creative and free-thinking. This seems to contradict what Tobey is currently experiencing so I would suggest internal factors to be the culprit. Possibly the result of undue stress or maybe just Tobey's memory is filled up with so many recipes there is no longer hard drive space open. Sorry if I sounded like Dr. Melfi from the Soprano's rambling to Tony.
    Out and about,
    Last edited by usualsuspect; 08-19-2002 at 10:13 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    orange county, CA
    one question: do you drink a lot of diet soda?

    some say that aspartame can cause memory loss (among other maladies) ... there is plenty of information on the internet ( so I'll let you make up your own mind (pun NOT intended) ...

    my mom has SEVERE allergic reactions to the stuff, so I try to stay away from it, but others feel it's totally safe ...

    good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I posted a thread on this a few months ago. Man im just like that too and I forget everything. If i dont take notes while in school I will forget. And I can never remember anything my wife tells me. But I think its just because I dont really care about watch she says!!! Bla Bla Bla Bla. If its anything about sports or stats, I can remember that shit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I too have lost my short term memory, or the ability to remember the simpler things.

    Mind you, my loss can be directly related to a car accident I had in 1999 which managed to almost take my right foot off...besides that physical injury, I believe I hit my head and went unconscious.

    Insurance has still to pay me!

    There are simple exercises you can do to help retrain your mind. I'll see if I can find a website or two.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    What was the question again?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Hoss's Moms bedroom


    And I thought I was the only jackass who has to wander around the parking lot everytime I go somewhere because I can't remember where I parked. I'm with all you boys on this one. It's called old age! Hell I write everything down otherwise I will forget to do it. Get about 12 notepads and use them religiously. What made me decide to start using notepads you ask? Well lets just say I was at home on the shitter when I realized that I forgot to buy something.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 1969
    Yeah it does make me kinda feel better knowing that I am not the only one, however, it dose'nt solve the problem. I'm working on it harder than ever here of late. As an enivrionmental scientist for the state, I tend to get to concerned with the more complicated aspects of the job leaving out the simplier things that are just as important.
    It has really caused some problems though with my girlfriend. I guess that I come across as an ass sometimes who dosen't care but it could not be father form the case. Anyway, I'm checking into some memeory classes, organizational seminars and that sort of thing. I'm also looking into a vitamin supplement of some sorts to aid in this as well. If I don't forget, I'll let everybody know how things turn out.

    Oh yeah,
    And I have forgot where the car was on more than a couple of accassions as well. After all it is a BIG parking lot right? Might as well take a tour and see what everybody else is driving!
    Last edited by Tobey; 08-21-2002 at 05:41 AM.

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