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Thread: Genetics?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Well, I was wondering how would You know if You had a "good" genetics for bodybuilding.
    Beeing naturally big?
    Responding very well to workout routine?
    Responding very well to nutrition? puttin on mass fast?
    Decreased recovery time?
    What else would there be... just a thought. I am trying to figure out if I had some decent potential as far as BB.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Well, I was wondering how would You know if You had a "good" genetics for bodybuilding.
    Beeing naturally big?
    Responding very well to workout routine?
    Responding very well to nutrition? puttin on mass fast?
    Decreased recovery time?
    What else would there be... just a thought. I am trying to figure out if I had some decent potential as far as BB.
    I consider myself having good genetics... Now my body is ectomorphic looking, however I can put on lean muscle mass fast as long as I train hard and keep a fairly decent diet and my recovery time is fast as well... Also, I have very broad shoulders naturally,a thin waist, and long arms and legs which in bodybuilding terms would be considered "good" genetics...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I think i have good genetics

  4. #4
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    When eveyone else thinks you're on AAS exept yourself.

  5. #5
    are genetics a type of steroid? how would i use it in a cycle?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Well, I was wondering how would You know if You had a "good" genetics for bodybuilding.
    Beeing naturally big?
    Responding very well to workout routine?
    Responding very well to nutrition? puttin on mass fast?
    Decreased recovery time?
    What else would there be... just a thought. I am trying to figure out if I had some decent potential as far as BB.
    Who cares?

    It is something you cannot alter so why get hung up on it?

    I know it sounds like a cheesy cliche but unless you are going to turn pro you are only really in competition with yourself - so train hard, eat well, get plenty of rest and be the best you can be.

  7. #7
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    im training with 2 friends and they were about the same build and height tall and skinny. 1 of them started 1 week later and has only a couple of shitty dumbells the other has a decent set and a gym pass. But 2 my amazment the one with the gym pass is going slower then the other??? he is growing but the other is just blowing up. it just goes to show that it is all bout genetics.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by skeldno
    im training with 2 friends and they were about the same build and height tall and skinny. 1 of them started 1 week later and has only a couple of shitty dumbells the other has a decent set and a gym pass. But 2 my amazment the one with the gym pass is going slower then the other??? he is growing but the other is just blowing up. it just goes to show that it is all bout genetics.
    I disagree, yeah genetics are a factor but so is how you train, eat and rest, unless these guys are lifting, eating and resting exactly the same how can you say its genetics?

  9. #9
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    When you look at Perfect Beast's transformation, you kind of have to question the whole genetics thing. Look at his pics - he overcame his natural disposition through a combination of hard work, dedication, and perseverance and he looks great.

    In linguistics, motivation is the single most important factor (even more than language aptitude) in determining second/foreign language acquisition. So in my mind, the same can be said of genetics.

    However, motivation aside, look at various bodybuilders - their symmetry, mass, muscle shape, etc. Clearly there's genetics at work here, but it's not as much of a factor.

    Interesting thread!

  10. #10
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    i have to say that i believe genetics are the overiding factor to why some people look so much better than others.

    I have been training ten years. Granted, i have only known what i was doing in the gym and in the kitchen for 6 years. I have ran several cycles, and am constantly researching ways to better eat, train and juice. I work my ass off in the gym, get plenty of rest, and have been eating solid for 6 years.

    I see people in my gym, who are close friends of mine. They have been training about 4 years. I know how they eat (3-4 times a day, likely not even 200g protein), see how they train (never train legs, never do deadlifts or pullups) and know what drugs they use etc (deca and sust for 5 weeks? WTF)

    Somehow, some of them look better, or atleast bigger, than I do. I see people who look great, but dont even know how to eat properly, or use gear.

    I strongly disagree with those who say genetics only plays a small part in results.

  11. #11
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    when I was a teen I was a fatty prob 20% bf and both my parents where fattys. Then year before college I started to hit the gym hard 30 sets of evertying and today 4 years later im 232 pounds 11% bf at 6'1 and getting mad bitchs. cant wait for high school ruinon.

  12. #12
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    look at july issue of muscular development and read about michael lockett if u think genetics arent a big factor

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    When you look at Perfect Beast's transformation, you kind of have to question the whole genetics thing. Look at his pics - he overcame his natural disposition through a combination of hard work, dedication, and perseverance and he looks great.

    In linguistics, motivation is the single most important factor (even more than language aptitude) in determining second/foreign language acquisition. So in my mind, the same can be said of genetics.

    However, motivation aside, look at various bodybuilders - their symmetry, mass, muscle shape, etc. Clearly there's genetics at work here, but it's not as much of a factor.

    Interesting thread!
    i agree, with determination and hard work, you can overcome anything (cheesey i know) but i went from 14 yrs old and 110 to 20 years old and 202. i always had skinny ass legs, my father does too, but i squatted and squatted and now my legs are tree trunks lol

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDfromGC
    look at july issue of muscular development and read about michael lockett if u think genetics arent a big factor
    I hope my comments have not been misconstrued as me suggesting that genetics are not an important factor, I was merely trying to point out to the thread starter that as you can't change them theres no point in getting hung up on them - you've got what you've got so make the best of it, no point in pissing and moaning and using it as an excuse, doing so will hold you up more than your genetics themselves.

  15. #15
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    im source cheks
    genetics are everything. you can work as hard as you want, walk above the dedicated and be eat sleep live nothing but bodybuilding..and never look ANYTHING like a pro, or even amateur bodybuilder, because your genes wont allow it. the best thing you can do is have rational goals for the way you body is designed...and you will succeed them. thats all thats important. i say this for people who know better..but there are some kids who are skinny, and think they will be nothing but skinny their whole life because they havent taken the time to research whats necessary for them to change..and they actually have alot of potential to be huge..but a pro? a pro doesnt struggle to put on size, it just comes with the basic necessary fundimentals of training. you think victor martinez was skinny untill he got his diet figured out? if he ate mcdonalds and trained 3 times a week he would be a monster..all he had to do was realize his genetic strengths and weakness's and work for and around them...but it was always in the genetic hand he was dealt to be a pro if he wanted it.
    i know i have good genetics. right now ive been back for 3 months training with 2 40 lb dumbells and doing pushups and my arms are 20 inches..all i need to do is train and ill grow. ive never reached a plateau on any bodypart or lift and my diet and training has never been completely sound 100%..however, i dont have the metabolism to ever be a would be way too hard for me to do diet down that much and ive decided not to do juice so its not even a possibility anyway, but i know i still have talents..and can be a huge/strong mother**** i work within the strengths i was given genetically..and i dont think there is anything wrong with that.
    bottom line is, thousands upon thousands upon thousands of people do steroids, and many have a sound diet. how many of them are pro's?

  16. #16
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    I read this somewhere:Genetics- having a good dealer

  17. #17
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    Genetics are essential to be a top bodybuilder, IMO. Just like genetics are essential to be tops in any sport. I have great genetics, just not for bodybuilding. I'm 6'4 and 305lbs (currently). I was a blue chip all american (football) coming out of high school in '91. I was 6'1 and 225lbs with 5% bodyfat. I could bench press 325, squat 440, and pull (deadlift) 495. I came out of college at a shade over 6'2 and 255 with 7% bodyfat. I could bench 470, squat 670, and pull 700. But I continued to grow after college to about age 25 and now I'm 6'4. Too tall for bodybuilding, plus my calves are disproportionately small (17", considering I have a 21" neck and 21" biceps), and have extremely long arms (84") wingspan. All these are not good for a bodybuilding physique, but it was great for a football player and strongman (which I currently compete in). So even before AAS use, I was a genetic freak... for my sport, but I could never be a successful bodybuilder, nor do I want to, LOL!

    So to reiterate, genetics are essential to be tops at any sport. Genetics dictate height. So Shaq wouldn't be Shaq if he wasn't 7', and Ronnie wouldn't be Ronnie is he were 7'.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by BgMc31
    Genetics are essential to be a top bodybuilder, IMO. Just like genetics are essential to be tops in any sport. I have great genetics, just not for bodybuilding. I'm 6'4 and 305lbs (currently). I was a blue chip all american (football) coming out of high school in '91. I was 6'1 and 225lbs with 5% bodyfat. I could bench press 325, squat 440, and pull (deadlift) 495. I came out of college at a shade over 6'2 and 255 with 7% bodyfat. I could bench 470, squat 670, and pull 700. But I continued to grow after college to about age 25 and now I'm 6'4. Too tall for bodybuilding, plus my calves are disproportionately small (17", considering I have a 21" neck and 21" biceps), and have extremely long arms (84") wingspan. All these are not good for a bodybuilding physique, but it was great for a football player and strongman (which I currently compete in). So even before AAS use, I was a genetic freak... for my sport, but I could never be a successful bodybuilder, nor do I want to, LOL!

    So to reiterate, genetics are essential to be tops at any sport. Genetics dictate height. So Shaq wouldn't be Shaq if he wasn't 7', and Ronnie wouldn't be Ronnie is he were 7'.
    at what age did u start aas?

  19. #19
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    Genetics plays a huge role, Your body type (shape etc) The reason why I have a friend at 140lbs benches 340lbs I shit you not its ridicuolus to watch, while thers are 200+ and struggle at 270lbs. Like some guys have huge guns without working out a day in their lives while somone like me struggles to have 17".

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    at what age did u start aas?

    30yrs old. I'm 33 now.

  21. #21
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    Dorian Yates said something like

    "Genetics are only a starting point, The rest is up to you."

  22. #22
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by MFT81
    Dorian Yates said something like

    "Genetics are only a starting point, The rest is up to you."

    Great quote to sell magazines and supplements!

  23. #23
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    my genetics are only good for porn

  24. #24
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    Flame away guys but I think "genetics" is a crutch to lean on. Fat people and lazy people always whine about it. "everyone in my family is fat so that's why I'm fat" bull shlt, your whole family is fat because your whole family is lazy! I love this one: "I have a thyroid condition" yeah right, even if it was true just don't eat so much! *got kind of worked up there*

  25. #25
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    genetics can be fixed with growth hormone, but to be a top competitior you need to be perfect...

  26. #26
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    Well we arnt on about genetics and fat people. Fat people are mostly lazy and yes it is there fault!!! We are saying that if you have not got the genetics that will let you look like dorian yates then you probably never will!
    Instead you look like a panzy your whole life.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by skeldno
    Well we arnt on about genetics and fat people. Fat people are mostly lazy and yes it is there fault!!! We are saying that if you have not got the genetics that will let you look like dorian yates then you probably never will!
    Instead you look like a panzy your whole life.

    We are?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by skeldno
    Well we arnt on about genetics and fat people. Fat people are mostly lazy and yes it is there fault!!! We are saying that if you have not got the genetics that will let you look like dorian yates then you probably never will!
    Instead you look like a panzy your whole life.

    Huked oN fonics works

    I'm just messing with you

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by pgilligan10
    are genetics a type of steroid? how would i use it in a cycle?
    i almost sharted a laughed so hard at that

  30. #30
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Well, I was wondering how would You know if You had a "good" genetics for bodybuilding.
    Beeing naturally big?
    Responding very well to workout routine?
    Responding very well to nutrition? puttin on mass fast?
    Decreased recovery time?
    What else would there be... just a thought. I am trying to figure out if I had some decent potential as far as BB.

    In Bodybuilding, imo, this is what good genetics mean

    1. You have the god given bone structure.....ya know, wide shoulders, small waste blah blah blah.......Also, a musculature that looks very very mature and advanced, symetrical, and perfect looking
    2. High androgen, a little bit of steroids goes a long way........3 perfect examples of guys with high androgen affinity are dorian yates, flex wheeler, kevin levrone...........even though these guys are my heroes, they arent shit without juice. yet they have a super duper response to aas....A freakish response to aas that no one else gets

    imo, these 2 things are the main things in bodybuilding....

    Now, good genetics can also mean many other things........large thick bone structure......ability to gain mass naturally etc.

    But the problem is, you can take 2 guys for example.......lets call the first guy dave and the second guy bob.......Dave is superior to bob naturally......Both take half a gram of enenthate for their first cycle....Dave gains 10 pounds of muscle, but bob gains 40 pounds of muscle..........Both up the dose, bob gets up to 280 and dave can only get up to 250 even though he gained better naturally.

    Now your back to my first 2 things....High ar affinity............Now the guys who have this, who also have number one, are iffbb pros.

    these are all my opinions, so take those for what their worth
    Last edited by IronReload04; 06-24-2007 at 09:59 PM.

  31. #31
    IronReload04's Avatar
    IronReload04 is offline "Rancid Protein Powder Mastermind Technician"
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    also, recovery time, I have seen this subject remarked by high up guys.......Recovery rate is not an indication of genetics.......YOu can have an elite guy with piss poor recovery time and vise versa

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