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  1. #1
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    Hiring a nutritionist..need advice

    Well i have decided to hire a nutritionist/trainer for my bodybuilding endevour. She was my nutrition professor last semester and is willing to help me out for cheap b/c i am a student. Is there nething i should expect from her or just i should know before i start giving her money? thanks

  2. #2
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    She better know your goals and any AAS shit before you start paying her. Some people really dont advocate the way bodybuilders eat. So make sure she is willing to help you with YOUR goals because after all its your money. So you dont wanna pay and then haev some lady tell you oh you only need 50g protein a day etc.

  3. #3
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    She better know your goals and any AAS shit before you start paying her. Some people really dont advocate the way bodybuilders eat. So make sure she is willing to help you with YOUR goals because after all its your money. So you dont wanna pay and then haev some lady tell you oh you only need 50g protein a day etc.
    yea shes worked with bodybuilders and powerlifters before while i was in her class she gave me some real sound advice but just in the scopes of the class. I am def gonna tell her exactly wat i want and about my AAS usage

  4. #4
    Titleist's Avatar
    Titleist is offline Senior Member
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    That's the main problem people face when hiring a nutritionist. As long as he/she has worked with bodybuilders and their diets you should be okay. Just make sure the nutritionist has that background. You may also want to talk to some of the guys she has worked with and see what their opinion is on her advice.

  5. #5
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    anyone know wat normal prices may be?

  6. #6
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    I think it's cool that you're able to set aside your ego and reach out to someone else to help you along your journey. However, it's up to you to learn from her and not rely on her for your overall success. All she's supposed to do is help to educate you so that you can develop both a training and diet regimen that will best satisfy your physical goals moving forward.

    There comes a time when one has to accept his/her own responsibilities for the goals that he/she has set. Do NOT rely on this individual for motivation. If you must seek an external source to motivate you, then this sport is not for you. If you cannot personally maintain the fire within that drives you to better yourself physically, then you must take a look in the mirror and re-evaulate your intentions.

    I wish you the best of luck.


  7. #7
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    I think it's cool that you're able to set aside your ego and reach out to someone else to help you along your journey. However, it's up to you to learn from her and not rely on her for your overall success. All she's supposed to do is help to educate you so that you can develop both a training and diet regimen that will best satisfy your physical goals moving forward.

    There comes a time when one has to accept his/her own responsibilities for the goals that he/she has set. Do NOT rely on this individual for motivation. If you must seek an external source to motivate you, then this sport is not for you. If you cannot personally maintain the fire within that drives you to better yourself physically, then you must take a look in the mirror and re-evaulate your intentions.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    thanks mavs im def not relying on her for my motivation. I have put a plan in motion for myself....a well researched diet workout plan and so forth i am using her services to prepare myself for my first comp. I see wat ur saying though and i am very self motivated thanks for the response

  8. #8
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    I'd charge a client ***ending on what they needed and how often I must see them or modify their diet.

    A bodbuilder in the offseason is simple, 200$ for a daily diet. Reaccess every 3-4wks to make small changes and speak with them and see how they feel etc.. (usually 50$ for the revisit that lasts approx 1hr).

    Coming into a contest is a whole different story, expect to pay someone 600-1500$ ***ending on how much they are helping you etc.. It's a lot of work and time, especially if they're helping you with posing and the week before the show.

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