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  1. #1
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Letter to the Editor of my Newspaper.

    I wrote this because people piss me off and I pretty much despise the society I have to mire around in. Wall of text incoming! :P


    In light of the recent media rampage on the Benoit murder/suicide tragedy I felt compelled to share my experience on steroids . Seeing that the Dr. who prescribed Benoit HRT testosterone had his office raided, and Benoit's medical records were being pilfered to see if any M.D.'s gave him anabolics, raised a red flag in my head on what steroids actually do to people mentally and how the media and criminals skew the truth behind what these compounds actually do to men.

    First, the type of attention this case is getting kind of astounds me. Had this been any average Joe there would have been no raid on a Dr's office and no huge investigation as to whether or not the deceased used steroids. Stop trying to put the blame on something that is done and over with. Benoit murdered his family, no one else.

    Second, as a male who is currently using his first cycle of steroids I'd like to elaborate on the mental affects these hormones are having on me. I'm a college student that is given nothing by anyone else. I pay for my own apartment, food, tuition, etc. Stress is a common factor in my life and body-building is the only release I have from an otherwise arduous life that takes a heavy toll on my sense of well being. My blood pressure has been high and my stomach has felt like a ball of fire from the stress of paying bills each month. For the past 6 months I've been taking anti-depressants to help cope with this stressful point in my life. This past month however has probably been one of the best months of my life. Without a doubt, the sense of mental well-being is quite astounding. It almost makes me wonder if perhaps my natural testosterone levels were low before my cycle. I have a perfectly clean record and had a perfect record while I served in the Navy. I have no fits of rage, don't feel violent, and have no desire to fight anyone. If I could somehow quantify into words what I do feel it could be summed up as confident, calm, happy, determined, and motivated. Things that a month ago I had to struggle to attain. Despite the positive mental affects I want readers to understand this isn't a sign of addiction or obsession, this cycle is carved in stone and I understand this feeling will go away. I'm using steroids to attain physical goals, the mental side effects are just a gigantic perk that I felt people need to know about.

    To further elaborate, I know a decent amount of men that use steroids and have no violent fits or bursts of rage, this type of behavior is heavily frowned upon in the steroid community and I can say with certainty that people who act that way lack self control and had a propensity for violence before they even knew about steroids. So when did this labeling of "roid rage " start? Some opportunistic defense attorney looking for a scapegoat? Some eager authority looking to place blame? Uneducated and irresponsible media entities laying on the speculation? I'd say all of the above. Without a doubt however, a man that is able to strangle the life out of his own child isn't experiencing rage or a side-effect of a steroid, he is mentally defective. This label and way of thinking is due to the incredible LACK of accountability in our society. This is something that has happened throughout all of human history and will continue to happen for the duration our species exists. The fact that such irresponsibility permeates our nation is disgusting and rife with ignorance. The actions of few once again places a label on an enormous global community that is so non-combative or criminal that most people don't and won't ever understand how it really behaves. So, instead of learning and being a responsible adult and human being, keep hopping on the bandwagon that is intent on ignoring the undeniable fact that human behavior can be disgusting in itself without having to place the blame on anything but ourselves.

    -Adam H
    Twinsburg, Ohio

  2. #2
    takedownII's Avatar
    takedownII is offline Member
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    not bad bro, i respect that you voiced your opinion too

  3. #3
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    WOW....i really hope that gets into the paper man....very well written and not just pissed off but you try and convey a message that not many have the balls to say but would love to...i am going to copy and paste it and send it to my mom, she has been all over me since this and i hope this will give here some insight...Thank you....

  4. #4
    WEBB's Avatar
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    i'll edit out the first cycle part since she knows i have done more than one, lol.....

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    let us know if that makes it in the guess is it wont unforutantely! Damn liberal media! My mom emailed me this morning and said "see what steroids do to you" referrring to the Benoit case

  6. #6
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Yea, I doubt it will make it in but if it does i'll be sure to scan it and post it up!

  7. #7
    inheritmylife's Avatar
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    I commend you brother. What's the sense in having the right to free speech if you don't use it?

    The mainstream opinions on AAS are incorrect and dangerous. Throw the truth in their hostile little faces and watch them squirm.

  8. #8
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814
    let us know if that makes it in the guess is it wont unforutantely! Damn liberal media! My mom emailed me this morning and said "see what steroids do to you" referrring to the Benoit case

    Don't get to upset with her, she is just doing what she and 90% of the population do, they believe whatever that goddamn TV says.

    Simple case of brainwashing thats all, since the time you are little you are being taught to be a good consumer (constant commercials etc) and the media spreads so much misinformation that they all should be executed.

    I better stop there
    ***No source checks!!!***

  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i say we all plaguerize that letter he wrote.. tweak it a lil i.e. (i wouldnt say FIRST CYCLE LOL) and send it in to our local papers.. but .. ima leave my name outta mine! lol

  10. #10
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Great editorial, Let us know if it makes the press !!

  11. #11
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    theres no way it will make it into the paper for 2 reasons...1 is that there are a couple of points in the letter that make a mockery of the media and i don't think a newspaper would want to put that out. and 2 because the media doesn't look for the truth, they look for hype and nothing else, thats how they make $. that being said, i like what you wrote and it was written well. i would have written a letter like this by now also but it seems that its probably just a dead end effort.

  12. #12
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    The bullshit facists at the Cleveland Plain-Dealer (lmfao nice name assholes), didn't even respond to my letter. If we're lucky they'll choke on their lunches tomorrow.

  13. #13
    paulzane's Avatar
    paulzane is offline Productive Member
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    Good article! We also get the media bullshit in the UK about roid rage ..... They don't want the truth though!

  14. #14
    BuffDJ's Avatar
    BuffDJ is offline Associate Member
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    Well said. Much respect for that post bro.

  15. #15
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Well, it's not bad. Your message is powerful, but there are some inconsistencies in your opinions. In addition, when you attack the organization (the media) you want to publish your opinion piece, I can guarantee 99.9% of the time it's going to get trashed by the low-level temp they hire to read their incoming snail and e-mail. But good on you for trying!

  16. #16
    dupa95's Avatar
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    Well spoken!!!!!!

  17. #17
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    well.... i enjoyed it and i totaly agree, eff ur paper!

  18. #18
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    damn rite! i have been tempted to write the same message various times, but always thought it was afutile effort.

    i hate the media.

    If you look at the majority of convicted killers and serial killers, and im talking 90% here, none of these people have a history with working out, let alone steroids . But asoon as a well-known meat head commits a dastardly crime, its obviously down to steroids.

    If it was anything to do with steroids, surely bigger problems would occur in pro bodybuilding, other than good old craig titus ofcourse.

    Hell, if I crashed my car whilst driving down a street, killing twenty kids, I bet the papers would try in some way to blame my naff driving on steroids.

    I sometimes wish they would go back to what they are good at, like reporting on Paris Hiltons latest brazilian wax, or something

  19. #19
    lpicken's Avatar
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    You should try sending your letter in to some left-wing liberal newspaper; every town of size seems to have one. It might get printed there and that is better than none at all. No way would this get printed in a mainstream rag. This letter, greatness aside, is the equivalent of: "I smoke pot and lead a healthy, productive life." We all know that has been argued a million times without prevail. However, Bro, it worries me a little because it sounds like you are using steroids coupled with anti-depressants as a cure all for making you "confident, calm, happy, determined, and motivated." Trust me; those feelings will eventually fade like a Maaco paintjob. You should do a little soul-searching and find something in life that makes you happy without the drugs-because trust me, and I know because I have tried like hell, drugs of any kind what so ever will never make anybody truly happy. You have to work for happiness in life and it sounds like you are well on your way. College is supposed to suck and I haven’t met a soul in this life who enjoys paying bills. Hang in their and keep up the good work.

  20. #20
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Picken, I appreciate the advice bro but the meds were something I had to take because I was at hypertension levels of blood pressure from stress. Nothing I did would make it go away and I couldn't sleep at night. For me at least, the meds helped me do a 180. I don't get worked up as easy and I'm able to get rest. I was losing so much sleep last year that I was sick with strep like 4 times! My immune system was even taking a hit.

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