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Thread: The WILL to eat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    In The Dark

    The WILL to eat

    Ok guys i been bulkin for what now seems like a eternity ..All of you know the drill eat eat and then when your tired eat some more..I have made impressive gains over the last yr + but is has been a long struggle of force feeding and being depressed when i wake knowing the amounts of food i must consume to just hold my weight..Im an extreme ecto and maint. calories hover around 3k calories and im losing the will to keep the cals as high as needed ..I have a condition that is a gainers nightmare,I dont feel hunger pains and my body is very comfortable on the "air" diet .I actually feel tons better when i just eat three lame ass square meals or about 2k cals per day.WTf is going on here?I have decided to go see a doc to maybe run some tests and see if i might actually have some sort of medical condition.I dont really think that there is anything u guys could suggest to help me with this problem but any ideas would be appreciated .I am on the verge of throwing in the towel on this bulking shit and letting myself fall from the current 181 down to (i started at 145+ish) maybe the 170 range ..Maybe my body is just telling me i wasnt meant to be a bigger type guy.Im also a pro golfer and the extra weight has done wonders wit the chics but not so much with my golf game ..MAybe its time to just say fvck it..! (on a side not aas only helps my appetite marginally and im not looking into anymore cycles due to new testing regulations on the horizon and i dont think aas can be a safe long term appetite crutch..)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    ON, Canada
    Well you just dont wanna big big bad enough, its as easy as that. And to bulk its not eat eat and eat some more. Its calculate your daily macro needs, divide it up between 5-7 meals a day and simply eat those meals.
    3000kcals is a breeze. 500 kcals 6 times a day. 500kcals is not even a lot of food at all really.

    You really sound like you dont enjoy it, so than just dont do it. If you wanted to get bigger and gain lbm you wouldnt have made this thread, you would just do what it takes. Complaining gets you no where in a hurry.

    Im not trying to be rude, but really its quite clear what the problem is, you dont want it bad enough.

  3. #3
    i agree c bino. numbat - i dont think anybody truly loves having to stuff themselves every single day to gain weight but u gotta do what u gotta do. i am an extreme ectomorph also. my genes are terrible for BB but i just look at every meal as one extremely small step closer to my goal.

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