And it pretty much did not go well. I chose not to submit my scores so I have to write them again dammit. I started out expecting the verbal section but, oh no, the logic section smacks me upside the head which totally fazed me. I panicked for about 10 minutes and kept reading the same passage over and over again not having one word of it register in my head. I then got ahold of myself and was all, "Look at me go, I'm totally logical." It was too late though cause I had wasted too much time and was pretty much screwed for that section. I probably got 800 on the analytical cause it's easy and the logic usually is too but not this time cause of my panick attack. The verbal was better than I thought too. Too damn bad I screwed up the beginning. There goes $200 and 4 hours of my time. Ah well. Does any one know what I'm talking about?