haha, this thread is out of control. freakin out of control i tell you. i dont get on here after like 430. but i had to today. Tj texted me and told me to check it out. its hilarious!!
haha, this thread is out of control. freakin out of control i tell you. i dont get on here after like 430. but i had to today. Tj texted me and told me to check it out. its hilarious!!
I never thought I would say this, but mmm, you guys smoke enitrely to much weed
More complex than that
Man I have Half baked on my IPod and computer... Will have to watch it at some point... Maybe while Gix is banging out a whore
This thread rules!!!!
Tito Liebowitz....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Bro I almost pissed my pants
Half Baked, i havent seen that since middle school
Blue team go!! Blue team go!!
All were missing is Abbots punk ass, everyone else is here
Alright check this shit out... This stripper just came in to beg me to sell her one of my OxyContins...Get them for my back. The bitch brought over 10 one dollar bills and a bag a f***ing change....Nickels and dimes... You believe this shit
Be right back... Might have to glaze her man.... He's running his dick sucker because I yelled at her nasty ass
today is back/triceps day for me.
is everyone's day today back day?
im avoiding deadlifts....my lower back has felt funny the last 2 weeks...i think it's time for a new mattress (or, maybe i should put my legs down once in a while. hahahaha!)
TJM I changed my avatar for ur punk ass to laugh at
to tell ya the truth, ive had some back problems too. but i swear they are from sex. shit will hurt. i have a great new bed. so its not that. it seems like it only hurts after nice long rough sex. my back will just throb and be so tight. i gotta stop having sex with those horses. its all that arching my back i gotta do to reach their damn holes.
ohh, im going to reach 4000 posts tomorrow!! hip, hip, hooray!!
alright, im gettin off. dont bother me you sluts. ill be back on tomorrow at 730 in the morn or so. dont miss me to much. i know its tough without me. to you guys that got my number. feel free to text me. i gotta a date with one of my ex's, best friends tonight. shes hot. like paris hilton says.. shes haoooot. blonde, blue eyes. big titties, big nose to. but i can work with that. lol.
wow.....whole problem in my mood......i had been takin this pre workout from vyotech that i got free from work.....took 2 scoops of superpump today.....feel amazing![]()
decided not to tan today......maybe that'll give my body a lil more resources to heal itself? i dunno.....i figured that the skin is a huge organ and it's gotta heal shit every time i tan
i loveeeee tanning lol.....it's pretty addicting
oh and just so you know; TJ and Abbot and anyone else that is coming to this pow wow on Labor Day... im on Probation in 2 different counties and Parole in different counties. So if anyone gets in a fight, i got your back, BUT!! the first sign of the police, im out like a bolt of lightening. I cant risk gettin arrested. My PO will lock me up no questions asked.
fcking sluts, im addicted to this site. its sad. im a sad, sad little man. i gotta get off. really i do. i will. right now. i gotta shower and shave, get all fresh and clean clean. get all prettyfied. gel the hair, shine the shoes, powder the balls, spray some ralph lauren, romance for men. then pick this girl up. im doing it. right now. im off. see, im not typing anymore. no more whoring for me. im out. really. seriously. dont you see me walking away from the comp now? no more tippy tappy of the keyboard. no more click click of the mouse. the computer is all alone. Dukki is not here to keep it company. so sad. so lonely. i must come back. i must take care of it. i must.
no no!! go, enjoy the beautiful weather. enjoy a beautiful girl. dont let this need to whore control you!! you cant. your stronger then that dukki. your tough. like silk. strong like grass!! you can do it!! you can do it all niiiiight long!!
haha, yea i saw that a few weeks ago.
you know what commercials crack me up... the e trade ones with the baby in front of the computer. ive seen 2 different ones. and they are hilarious!! he pukes on the keyboard. then the other he gets an email on his black berry and says.. oh you naughty girl. then his phone rings and hes like. hey girl, can i hit you back up?
hahaha yeah etrade commercials are great!!! got back into abbs today, well not reall got back into seeing as i never did them before lol i really felt like i was going to throw up when i got done for some reason did uper lower and obliques
yall whore all damn day long and i never come in here and i finally do and you all desert me, be that way!!! i was expecting more out of you dukk haha jk
going to cook chicken holla later boys
you haven't seen the one where he rents bobo the clown?????? omg it's funny
Dude I'm not going to jail either bro... Got a kid to think about. If we have to throw down were gonna glaze who ever wants to be tough and then i'm gonna Jeese Owens that shit the hell out
My mom has a Jesse Owens trophy, how fvckin weird is that shiiit. He lived in the house that she grew up in before she moved into it, and he left it in the attic....thought Id throw that in there....Yo I my days of running from the cops are over, so if we do any glazing make sure its late and its on the street, not in some bar or club.....TJ go back a few and check out what I said about this stripper at one of the strip clubs in AC, we gotta get gixxer up there, she will tear him apart.
Abbot brother, she can tear us all apart..... Dude call me or something... Need to find some whore services and get on it
Hmmm, thats a good fvckin idea, Ill ask around and which ones are legit....You gonna be around this weekend, Im wiped tonight man, I just got back from the gym and I was about to get off, me and Duk have been tryin to get our shiiit straight with the hotel room all day on here.
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