Whorin' time.
Whorin' time.
It's on!!
Sprechen Sie nicht, Dirne!
damnit why the fvck can't i sleep
"Fit mit Arnold Schwarzenegger, Das perfekte Programm für Körper und Muskel-Training, vom erfolgreichsten Bodybuilder der Welt".
I have a new book to read... "Fit with Arnold Schwarzenegger: The perfect program for body and muscle training, from the most famous bodybuilder in the world". Of course it's in German, but that's okay. While the book is like new, it's clearly 70's vintage. I'm so pleased with this.
Oh hey, I'm not alone anymore. Skully, do you ever sleep?
Good luck. I'm trying to stay up to "flip" my schedule. Just quit working nights, and now I'm trying to stay up through the rest of the day. 'Course, I woke up at 4:30 in the afternoon yesterday....
Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet.
i know you want to take an eye for an eye, but then the whole world will be blind.
That means "Slay them all. God will know his own."
"quod sum eris"
that means...
"i am what you will be"
in latin.
Yeah, I googled it. It says that's a popular engraving for a headstone. Nice. Unfortunately, I know essentially no Latin at all. That one quote is my best.
i have three gaelic (irish/scottish) words tattooed on my back
respicio nunc prospicio
they mean..
respect the past
live now
think about the future
Nice. I have a latin inscription tattoo adapted from the
Last edited by Ernst; 01-07-2009 at 12:00 PM.
sweet. not to shabby bro. wanna cuddle?
Uh, I'll have to pass on that....
off to toronto to get my student visa.....
Student visa? Where are you going?
morning whores
same old same old whats new....banged any chicks lately
so all of u guys gone? damn whats wrong
just me and dukki left here ...where is everybody
oh come on
Cause sometimes you just feel tired.
You feel weak and when you feel weak
you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you,
you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you
and get that motivation
to not give up
and not be a quitter,
no matter how bad you wanna just
fall flat on your face and collapse.
this sucks
well there are ten ppl on this thread. just me and C talking though.
its cool. i dont need anyone but me.
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