I added you ink, anyone else want a soldier on their side. Send that friendship request.
Coffee? One cup of that stuff and I will drown the porcelin god
Alright the bitc... wife is back home now. Gonna go. This time for real NO myspace! I promise! lol Good night everyone...be back tomorrow...same bat time...same bat channel! lol
be good inky,
so you still serving ranger?
Later ink. Kill that monkey and donkey lol
i got a buddy overseas now
No man got out to go to school. Bored as hell now though, I need to be in some sand.
See the enemy on that hill
Place that fuker in your sights
Now get ready to get a thrill
Send that round and put out his lights
Theres nothing like a one shot kill
No offense to anyone
how long you been in? buddy use to be a recruter for about 5 years and now he has been over there for 3/4 of the past 3 years
Dang thats a long time. He must be in the army. I was in four years.
yup, blows pretty hard... so what do you do now ranger
hey whores...just got home from a good workout
Sale guns and play with stocks
oh and go to school. Later ho's got to get up early
have a good one ranger!
later ranger!!
hah that rhymed
what about ya skully
how was your workout
im out boys, see ya in a few hours whores
just add another for good measure
morning ho's
Good Morning guys!
hmm its morning already?
I'm so glad I only have 3 days left of work and then I don't have to work for the next year.
hey kat
ill text you my fax number
alright i'm gonna try to sleep
night skully
Dukkit, as soon as I can wake up and make it to the fax machine, I will send you a sample of my diet.
inky just texted me.
hes good ppl.
Good morning all! What a beautiful day! Makes me wanna be all productive and shit! NOT!!! I'm gonna ride as much as I can ! lol
Hey Inky...the rain is coming later...
I'm havin a little breakfast now.....D-bol! Breakfast of champions! lol
Dukkit, do you think that is a diet that your mom will like?
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