now i feel better but it's hard to forget, i never think of lookin back
i think betrayal should be punishable by death....
"my girlfrien, fukked my bestfrien, everyone knew and didnt say nothin"
lol. i love this song.
another reason i subconsciously stay away from girls i bet......i dunno what i would do if i were betrayed.......hurt anymore than kate hurt me and i might go homicidal
i used to go to church and sunday school and bible school with my grandparents. but look at me now. a find outstandin citizen!! hahaahah
i bet that's what this whole thing's a protection mechanism.......even subconsciously my brain doesn't know how it would react to being cheated on or things of that ilk. So i keep myself safely alone where i can't hurt anyone and they can't hurt me......make sense?
now why can my brain come up with that scenario and not find a way out of it.....that's the question
cuz being alone truly doesn't serve me
would you really want to go through life never having your heart broken? You'd never appreciate the girl you end up with.
whats up everyone? and where the fvck have you been ruhlfreak?
or don't answer me
whores whores whores!!
my heart was already broken....don't need it again
There are techniques for increasing the power of your PC muscle, located between your anus and scrotum. Strengthening the PC muscle does help prevent premature ejaculation. To strengthen it, pee. In the midst of it, try to stop peeing. That is your PC muscle in action. Practice this over and over to strengthen it. There are other ways to strengthen it, including manual exercises. Squeeze down on it over a period of time to strengthen it. You will gain better control over premature ejaculation using this technique.
About time more people come in here....
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