Kats me and you need to go shooting.....I got a lot of your guns you are drooling over
Oneshot...you can come too, I have a Browns precision rifle chambered in 308 that you could spend all day on
Kats me and you need to go shooting.....I got a lot of your guns you are drooling over
Oneshot...you can come too, I have a Browns precision rifle chambered in 308 that you could spend all day on
i love it!
i wish my was a single shot since i am overly paranoid about the bullet and neck getting tweaked when i jack the next round in
i used to go skeet shooting all the time
ive never really been too much into pistols though. only got my 1911 and a .22 revolver when it comes to those
Nice choices Oneshot.....good to hear someone else likes the sport....My varmint rifle is a 257 weatherby with a llija barrell....I perfer the 257 for longer shoots more energy after 300
my 6mm sighted in at 100 yds only has 11-12 inches of drop at 400 yds and can put up 2-3 inch groups at that distance. on a windy day ill have to opt for the 25-06 though
I like the pistols better but I then again I like them all......I'm like a woman in a show store.....I wanna see everyone of them sob's get them out here
Sry Kats no offense......but this could be along night for you...I am getting worked up talking about this.....lol J/K
last year i shot a little doe with my blazin 55 grain varmint rounds. the entry hole was about the size of a half dollar with nothing coming out the other side. i ruined a lot of meat on that one
25-06 is a good round....I have been looking for a 223 wssm for awhile now.....don't know if I am going to get one or not....might go to the 338 for some AT&T
and every day i still regret selling my .222
I like the bow for deer......not really into shooting them with a rifle
Kats get to typing or it is on...lol
Selling guns Oneshot? Not a good choice always a regret there
no way, and your a bow hunter?
what kind of bow?
its the only one ive ever sold and i cry when i think about her. could put 5 shots through the same hole at 100 yds
they are picky rounds.....make sure the barrell is chrome lined and he is not shooting to heavy of a bullet....they do not take the heavy loads good..try a light load or a custom
i really need to start practicing with my bow. i havnt even picked it up since last season
all i shoot is reloads in my rifles these days. after starting that i can never go back to factory rounds again
I have a parker hornet 2plus....but I am bout to get a bowtech general....not a matthews fan.....that switchback is in the closet
Ya I reload most of mine....but I shoot the sako black box ammo out of my Sako T85
hows that shoot and what caliber is it. ive heard lots of good things about sakos. mine is a buckmaster 2000. got it when it first came out back in the day. i only got the one with 50-60 lb pull which i regret now that i am much stronger.
i like bowtech
do you like PSE's?
if i had the funds to buy a new bow it would definitely be a bowtech
have you ever been bow fishing? that is fun!
Kats you like skeet shooting, kimbers, and bowtech......I am going to do bad things to you.........lol.....that is so hot
The bowtech general is awesome...price not that awesome......you should shoot one though....my sako is in a 308.....love the weapon...don't really like there tactical stuff..I perfer the H-S percision for that or custom weapons
I tried the bowfishing thing once..it was fun...man I missed a bunch though dang fish were on crack that day I guess....and yes the new pse bow called the xforce is a beast....but bowtech has one called the 82nd that is better....and it is supporting the army greens
Oneshot: they factoy test those weapons five shot group and nothing less....
i never had much luck bowfishing. spent like 100 bucks on equipment, shot a couple carp, then busted both arrows i had. havnt touched it since
very nice
bowtech is winning every competion right now....the general is first...second the dxt by matthews..third the marquis by diamond.....depends which site you go to if matthews is in there sometimes its the pse xforce
i really love the way my 6mm shoots. tight groups, blazin speeds, and decent range. the only downside is that the barrel will get hot enough to melt skin after 3-4 consecutive shots and then it really start slingin them all over the place
we used to just shoot gar fish for fun
I just found out the other day they make a bowfishing kit for a crossbow....that could be fun
that 6mm is a good round....I should shoot mine more but its more of a collectors thing now...that gun is hard to find
i have a crossbow that has been nothing but a disappointment. accuracy is decent, range is no better than my other bow and is just an overall pain in the ass
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