Good evening whores!
Good evening whores!
lol.... I took my pills too.Originally Posted by KatsMeow;4*****9
Bout to hit the bed.
T-minus 15 minutes or so
T Minus 2 hours till work's over and I can get my ass in the weight room
Dude what is with all these people taking pills and going to bed?
LOL, no kidding. Though I'd be one of em if I didn't work stupid second shift!
^^^ LOL nice...
LOL I've considered that before while drunk, me and my buddy were tryin to come up with a drinking lifting game. We wisely decided we'd probably die...
12 credits this semester, 15 in the spring, then I'll do summer and fall again, and be done.
I've been in school too long
Ambien, Lunesta, Valium or Seroquel?
That was the order I went in till I decided Id rather be an insomniac. Its weird how the side affect of a lot of sedative/hypnotics are weightgain or slowing of metabolism, then you take clen.
So in a way its like it might be just as effective if you take nothing. And prob still have insomnia either way. Still sounds more like voluntary insomnia though that you describe now.
Damn, u already sign a contract bro? Give it some time, ur still young. When in 09 u want to compete? Let me know if u ever compete in southern cali and ill check it out bro! MAybe when ur a pro one day you'll remember me and send some free protein and creatine my way, haha. Ima be finishing my cycle bout that time. Gonna do my second cycle in january of prop/npp for 7-8 weeks.
i body is shutting down on goodnight all
haha. I know right. Dude I will def. hook you up if I make it that far. For real.
Yeah my trainer is doing the 09 Jr. USA's and feels like I could get a national card first year out.Probably gettin smoke blown up my ass but he is always giving me mad praise, telling me all kinds of crazy things. But I just need to stay humbled and focused.
I'm thinking of competing during the summer. We haven't decided any particular shows yet because he wants to see how much weight I can put on before the end of the year. Then we will make a decision
Sounds like a plan. U do have a crazy physique bro, espcially for never doin aas before. Just stay humble and true to what u do and make sure u do it for all the right reasons. Youll be good, dont trip. Even if u rush into a show too early and dont place, at least u get the experience of it all and know what to work on for ur next show. Just dont be too hard on urself and take it the wrong way if u dont place ya know? U got my support bro, let me know if u need anything. Gettin off work now. Just got some of that new, fu*k i forgot the name of it haha. Made by ON, their new "something 24" protein powder. A new sustaned released protein powder with 10 different sources of protien and all the good stuff. Goona try it tonite before bed. GOt it in the mail today while i was at work.
Thanks man that means alot. I've had a real real hard year, its been tough but so far I've stayed focused. This is what I love and I have a whole bunch of fun doing it to. I know I've just gotta give it time and do the right things to make sure I hit my stride.
Dude I can't wait to here about some gains on your test-e. I def. gonna do prop, I'd hate to be injecting myself and have to wait weeks for results. Hope the stuff I get is painless.
Heyyyy guyssss!
Hey girl where you been at. Hows the cycle going?
long day, but it was a great day too.
now i'm all jakked up and it's 2am here. i need to lay my ass down.
Yo yo yo what up Nova, I just got ignored by homegirl uhh. Your up late, whats up with that, what went on today.
no whorin goin on eh?
I'm a whoring with ya novarefresh!!!
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