there are 3 starburst sitting on my desk, i want to eat them
but i don't want to eat any sugar coming off not eating for so long
there are 3 starburst sitting on my desk, i want to eat them
but i don't want to eat any sugar coming off not eating for so long
isnt she the one that used to text you all sexy texts and shit.
whores. i swear
So I just spent some hours reading about how I can recover my drowned Iphone and it seems that all I have to do is put it in a bag with lots of rice and just let it sit for up to two days so that all the water can get sucked out by the rice beans..... I instantly called home and made my nephew do this so..... let see how it is....
This will be a great test to see how muchy paitence I have since I was already looking on Craiglist for another one lol.... I aint going to give some person that likes to steal from people and pay them 350 dollars for an Iphone that has no charger/USB cable or box.... more when I know that I can go and get a brand new one for just 50 bucks more....
Wish me luck that this rice in a bag thing works for my poor poor drowned Iphone.
Right on ...... hmmm sounds like just letting them dry out does work.... .I hope cause I dont want to spend anymore money on phones.... I am very happy and apperantly VERY addicted to my Iphone it feels like a piece of me is missing and I had never had that feeling with any other phone lol... I know weirdo total weirdo here.....
I was cutting some fire-wood with my dad in the woods up in Vermont and he lost his cell phone last summer.
We went back to the same spot in the woods like 6 weeks later and found the phone. He still has the same phone, it works great.
you should know that the lies wont hide your flaws
I dropped my LG env in a cup of coffee cause I thought I was putting it in the cup holder. About half way tru a two hour ride I realized it was sitting in coffee cuz it was buzzing, like the vibrator was shorting out. It still works fine.!
One story that ended poorly
A good friend went to a halloween party with me, and got into the hot tub wearing his full top gun flight suit, without thinking about his phone being in the pocket.
It got really wet...he put it in the toster oven to dry and proceeded to fall asleep...then got woke up by the smoke alarm because his phone melted and caught on fire in the toster oven...he had to buy a new toster oven too.
Hearing all this is bring my hopes up thanks guys you are always great.... well my iphone is inside a rice bag right now lol.... I will check it when I get home since that is like 5 hours from now if not I will let it sit in there until tomorrow and see what happens... but I hope that it works after 45 hours of being inside the bag lol....
I really hate this sony ericsson phone it feels so cheap and i am not used to doing the whole punching mutliple times to type a word.
alright guys. im outtie like a belly button here in a few mins.
I kinda removed a mole from my neck using my finger nail last night, I think that was a bad idea. The way it looks now is definatly not an improvment.
and im back
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