god i just want to go to bed
and no you cant join mex
I'm only half way done drinking this iced coffee, and I'm already getting hyper
I know my mom has some xenidrene caffene pills...I think I'm gonna steal them. This no sleeping business...I need some energy even if it's artificial.
caffene turns me into a crack baby
wow, a spider made a strand of spider web go from the ceiling to my printer, that's cool
someone just called my cell, so that ends that mystery...were the f did my cell phone go?
whores... all of you
i miss Pewn, he was funny
and i havent seen Lex around. he cracked me up too
new page. ima whore
its a good day. its a good day to die fella's
i think im going blind. or maybe just retarded.
not sure
is there a test for that?
ewww fine so i dont crack you up ...... no more massages and butt waxing for you mister.
well you have passed the test Mr. Dukkit.
you are officially retarded
Dirty whores
no silly. i was talking about ppl that dont post on the board at all anymore.
you still do. so you are excluded
think ill buy a bottle of whiskey tonight. its cold and rainy, perfect whether for some whiskey
hey! teacher! leave those kids alone!
looks like UPS is here. which means as soon as Fed Ex gets here. im off.
greetings reed..... hey reed you got myspace?
UPS sucks, they're never on time
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