Whys that Mex?
And come on guys, give Reed some love
Whys that Mex?
And come on guys, give Reed some love
wounded pierced by a spear i hung upside down for nine days.
Upon his shoulders perch two ravens, Hugin and Munin.
They circle the earth by day seeing all, at night they report to him the world's tidings.
He wears a golden helmet and a golden ring, at his side sit two wolves.
His weapons a magic sword and a spear called Gungnir, they are carved with runes.
His eight legged horse Sleipnir carries him over land, sea and air, the bringer of the ******* dead, the einherjar, from the battlefield across the rainbow bridge to Valhalla.
For a single drink of the enchanted water he paid with one eye, he was granted supreme wisdom.
He is the god of poetry, sorcery, and death.
Wounded, pierced by a spear he hung upside down for nine days.
Fasting and agony he made of himself a sacrifice to himself.
Given no bread nor mead he looked down, and with a loud cry fell screaming from the world tree.
In a flash of insight the secret magic of the runes was revealed to him.
He took up the runes and mastered them, eighteen powerful charms for protection, success in battle, lovemaking, healing and the power to bring back the dead.
His sacred blood mixed with black wind and rain wept down from the world tree deep into the earth.
He commanded the earth to crack open and to spew forth the strongest of the strong!
On this day he did bestow unto the world the sons of Odin!
hi whores
Here to the blaze
I wander
Through this black night
I pounder
The edge of our mighty swords
Did clash
Fallen by our axes
Helmets smash
Glory and fame
Blood is our name
Souls full of thunder
Hearts of steel
Killers of men
Of warriors friend
Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers
To the end
One day too
I may fall
I will enter Odin's Hall
I will die sword in hand
My name and my deeds will
Scorch the land
Glory and fame
Blood is our name
Soul full of thunder
Hearts of steel
Killers of men
Of warriors friend
Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers
Sons of the gods today we shall die
Open Valhalla's door
Let the battle begin with swords in the wind
Hail Gods of War
Sons of Odin we for
By the hammer of Thor
Ride down from the sky
Another is born
Another shall fall
This day bent will die
(oh) Glory and fame
(oh) Blood is our name
(oh) Souls full of thunder
(oh) Hearts of steel
(oh) Killers of men
(oh) Of warriors friend
(oh) Sworn to avenge our fallen brothers
(oh) Sons of the gods today we shall die
(oh) Open Valhalla's door
(oh) Let the battle begin with swords in the wind
(oh) Hail Gods of War
(oh) Sons of the gods today we shall die
(oh) Open Valhalla's door
(oh) Let the battle begin with swords in the wind
(oh) Hail Gods of War
(oh) Let the battle begin with swords in the wind
(oh) Hail
(oh) Gods
(oh) of War!!!
[Onward into the heart of battle
Fought the sons of Odin
Outnumbered many times
Still - they fought on
Blood poured forth from their wounds
Deep into the earth
Vultures waited for the broken shells
That once were bodies
Thus Odin alone would choose the day
They would enter Valhalla
And in their hour of need
He sent forth onto them The Berserker Rage
Now gods embed
They rose up from the ground
Screaming like wild animals
Such is the gift of absolute power
No blade or weapon would hurt them
They killed them and horses alike
And all who stood before them died that day
Hail Gods Of War]
I already gave reed some love on myspace...... I sent him a good wish comment.
Well I was joking around with him right now he said that he had to do some running around..... and then I told him " so what are you bringing me for lunch today" we live like 20 mins away. then he said nothing cause you are not close. then I told him " that sucks and to think that I was going to go around the city where you live looking for the barnes and noble you work at just to surpise you and see you". then his response was just WOW..... he said " that would of been a waste of gas."
haha that sucks Mex...
Sounds like maybe hes got another "Friend" perhaps?
Bang his best friend and be done with it...
Yeah I was just thinking right now that he does annoy me at times.... plus he is younger than me and he is like a student and works like two three days out of the week.... I really dont want to be the one to be paying for almost everything and shit like that.... its just not me.... we are both adults and men.... we should always have everything 50/50 its not like one is a girl and the other one is a man.... we are not in a straight relationship where the guy is the one who pays for the girl and shit.
Damn thats a pro for being gay i guess
That makes it:
Pros: 1
Cons: 10000000000000000000
Sorry Mex had to do it...![]()
so dukkit, I txted that girl, I did as I was told
eff an A sweet sword though
OMG I WANT ONE OF THOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that thing is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol are we still loving each other in a non mex kinda way...
Dude, i forgot to tell you.
My uncle came out of the closet.
It was quite a shock but the signs were there. When he told us all, everyone was silent, and then my bigmouth sister shouted out "I knew it!"
so who else likes my new avy?
Thats a pretty badass avy Dukk..
I think its tops..
hmmm what would happen if i got one of these drinking horns and took it to a party with me? THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!
no, I think it went well
Me : hi
her: hi
me: what r u up to today? It's so nice out, I'm driving to xxxxx right now, blah
her: I'm watching my neice It's gorgeous out. Why you going there?
me: I work there sometimes. How old is your neice?
her: 2
me: awe just a baby
me: so we should hang out again sometime
long half hour pause
me: or not I guess?
her: Nono! Sorry! She's a handful! We def should!
me: oh, kewl...yeah terrible 2's are a lot of work
her: yeah, for sure
so that was it, took place yesterday
what's my next move man whore?
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