hey inky
i just posted a list in the CRAIGSLIST thread
Anyone ever lived in Iceland?
first of all, i've got twenty additional years of life experience over yours. again, i'm not tryin to be a dick, and i'm not relying on purely "medical knowledge". i have years experience treating MANY psychiatric patients, including a member of my family. problem is your experience is limited to people who don't have really serious mental illness, but you think you've "seen it all" so you make these conclusions based on your "huge life experience"
additional, it's obvious some of you have resentments and issues with doctors, and you normally cant tell your doctr to go fk himself with his arrogant attitiude so when you meet some one online and you have the chance it take a sh1t on that doc, sh1t on all the years of knowledge and experience like it counts for nothing.
you want analogies? serious mental illness is not like deadlifting 500 pounds.
it's like someone with muscular dystrophy who cant even get up the strength to walk but you'd tell him, stop being lazy and try harder!
i never stated that. just sayin from what ive been through with me, family and friends. i have my opinion. thats all. you have yours. i have mine. they wont change.
i never said anything bad about docs other then that they dont all know everything. so they cant obviously treat everything in the way it should be or know when not to treat something.
i respect you and your a friend.
so how bout we change subjects cuz this is just leading no where
You know you've been owned when a 3-year-old wearing a soccer jersey with truck driver mud flap emblems gives you the bird.
Okay. Time for bed. G'night Dukki, Scibble, Ruhl, & Voland.
Stay safe and keep on whorin'!
WOw..... I walkted in at the wrong time lol
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