welcome back warchild
and also DSM when he gets back on...one bad person is gone and then other people get unsuspended...i love it
lol...Im lost
freakn' soap opera around here
thanks for the update skully
lol all the gay people got suspended?
Like the sands through the hourglass.... so are the days of our lives....
lol tahts funny
There. Now I'm even with KT. I have whored so long today... **** it, let's get to 1000.
and no problem war
Sonofa! Okay, now I'm even with KT.
hope all is well
im starving!!! what should i eat for dinner?
im winning
Tenderloin to be exact.
that is one sick pic bigsexy
lean beef and shrimp...thanks everyone...be back shortly
do u eat ur oreos with milk kat?
hey, what do you think this guy's stats are???
do what I do kat, keep no food in your house
I have only beer, water, wine, jack daniels, diet coke
I think there is some olive juice from when I had olives
that's about it
[QUOTE=xlxBigSexyxlx;4243003]hey, what do you think this guy's stats are???
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