her body...she has a little gut and i think it kind of turns me off a bit...i feel i have to concentrate extra hard just to keep the boner
a. yes lots of thing stop me. years of studying+yrs or experience.
our system sucks. I CANT study any science cos i did human siencies on highschool, which invalidates me for studing things like chesmistry, physics, architecture...rich guys jobs.
b. Only ive you have good enoigh grade to go into a public college. And its not FREE its just cheaper. If not you gotta pay A LOT just like in US.
c. doc are cold bloded cynics how don't give shit about their patients. no wonder people get agressive. You feel like you're almost dying and they make you wait 3 hours in a shitty room. Until a doc comes.
thats why i have a doc. appt in a couple months...i'm gonna see if he'll do a blood test to see if my past lil dbol cycles and whatnot have killed my test levels...but sadly i have to wait 8 weeks for that appt...
or i oculd try cialis?
yea i do feel like its a bit weak...but i stopped my tbol cycle a few days ago and am gonna start nolva today, maybe that'll help???
well fukk, i guess i should start tearing out the tub/shower and the drywall
Dukkit...i'll have a cell phone next week![]()
I went to college on scolarship V, so my parents didn't even pay for that.
I started my own landscaping business at 12 years old, which was really just cutting grass, but by the time I was 17 it was a pretty big business and I passed it on to my little brother. I was a dishwasher at 14 and worked my way up to line cook. Then I got a job at a computer store fixing computers and quit that job. I also painted houses for extra money, cause the computer store although they were billing my hours out at $90 per hour, they thought minimum wage was good enough for a 16 year old. Then I started working front desk at a hotel at 17. I worked all through college. So, even though my parents had money and plenty of it, I didn't get any from them.
i learned how to kill ppl when i was 12. started my own assassin for hire biz. passed it on to my lil bro when i was 17. then started sellin drugs for the columbians. got addicted... stopped. at 20 i got into the sex slave business. buyin and sellin young girls for mad money. when i had to sell my lil cousin Erica to make up some debt money. i got out of that and got into warehouse manager
tah dah!!!
we're on the same page. except my parents were and are poor.
I started working at a bar (a normal one) at age 12. Serving beers, coffes, sandwiches. Did that for 2 years. then i worked selling books. then at age 18 i needed a well payed job so i could afford my college. So i entered a media companie firts year i worked for NOTHING, ZERO. Then i went earning more money and resposibilities. And ended paying for my scholarship and had more money than i could expend (not because it was a looot, but because i dont really spend money on anything other than tattoos and i could take a long trip cps i was working) So i just bought thing to my mom, grandparents. etc.
I quit my job cos stress wasn't work it, ulcer wasn't worth it. And now i want a crappy average payed job. And i can't find i cos i'm overqualified for "help wanted" or bluecollar jobs and underexperienced for yuppie/rich dudes job.
I know a guy who's brother flys the little planes loaded with drugs into the United States. That pays real good if you ever want to take some risk. He's in jail now prolly tossing somone's salad though.
I'm not saying my life has been tough. Just in comparison to other people I grew up with my parents made me work.
i was just chillin' in the membery cycle results forum...good stuff
i can't wait to cycle...it's gonna be a damn blast and i'm gonna go ballz to the wall...i'm sure i'll see great gains
sorry...i'm just fvcking pumped
yup i'll keep workin' on the diet...i'm adding lots more carbs and replacing two of my three chix meals with steak...so i should see great gains off that
and total i'm up 3lbs total which is pathetic, but it was a botched cycle that only lasted 3 weeks so i bet it never even had a chance to really kick in...i shouldn't have run it without test, thats why i got scared and stopped
hey dukkit, DC chick wants me to come visit the second weekend in november.
My test levels should be nice and low then...wtf
I stop prop this friday, tren last inject was thursday
oh man, nobody in here, time for some AG whore time?
grab some cialis maybe
hey what are these 'Tags' at the bottom of the page...what significance do they have?
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