Whats up whores!
Fat is gross dukkit, you're lucky not to gain it.
I'd start working your abs, cause they look good now, but as you get bigger you'll want them to still be a prominent feature.
hey War, how's life, man?
reed, i see you're in tha house...whats good, bro? I gotta PM you later about some diet stuff, if you don't mind
Hey fattys another fatty making is way in
Not much AG. Just chillin cooking and going to do some cardio and abs later.
cycle going ok still?? i'm actually gonna check out your log now..
Morning, whores. Vote yet?
here ya go animal
B-12 is not FDA-approved for weight loss or boosting energy. B-12 has no effect in either circumstance.
There are certain risks to injectable vitamins, including B-12, B-6 and “MIC-lipo” (a mix containing B-12 and B-6). Aluminum contamination occurs during the manufacturing process, and, in 2004, as a result of cases of aluminum toxicity, the companies making these products have been required by the FDA to reveal the aluminum content on the label along with the words:
Warning: This product contains Aluminum that may be toxic.
Toxicity has occurred at doses of 350 mcg (70kg x 5mcg/kg/day) and damage may occur at lower doses. There is no need in the body for any level of Aluminum and there is no injectable amount that has been determined “safe”. A 30 shot vial of B-12 contains 625 mcg/L of aluminum. Shot Clinics may give three injections of vitamins a week. This is a very high dose, as even patients who have a total B-12 deficiency due to malabsorption require only one shot per month. Patients with normal gut absorption can avoid the aluminum risk and get better B-12 levels with oral tablets than with shots, because 98% of injected B-12 is passed in the urine within 48 hrs, the majority in 8 hours. (All this information is in the package insert.)
The injected aluminum, however, can be bound to bone or brain and requires a biopsy for definitive diagnosis. Retained aluminum can cause bone fractures and an Alzheimer’s-like dementia. In fact, Alzheimer’s patients have more brain aluminum than any other type of dementia. While it makes no medical sense and carries risk, some clinics continue to use the shots to increase the frequency of return visits. This is nonsense, as injectable vitamins are legend drugs in Florida and require a prescription by a healthcare provider following standards of medical care. While once commonly used to help patients “feel better” while dieting, frequent B-12 shots are not sound practice since the 2004 Aluminum warning.
Yep a little bloated but its to be expected. Finally got some new Prop in so hopefully that shit won't be as painful. My lats, delts, quads kill, chest is ok though not as painful as I would have thought its just growing the balls to actually inject in there
Done and done Ernst...
Animal: Im doing good bro, 'bout you?
Reed: What up big dog?!
War: Not much bro, what is going on
Kratos: Sure
and I'm just saying animal, you don't need to be popping all kinds of pills, none of this stuff is really good for you. You're young, I don't want to see you get over involved in abuse of this crap.
damn, kratos, i didn't nkow that...i'll have to also do some of my own research too. maybe i could just make sure my B won't have aluminum in it?
My bf was high so I know I'm still holding fat around tits and stomach, after a jog, but no pump...6'3 253 ish
Last edited by Kratos; 11-04-2008 at 11:16 AM.
thanks for caring, kratos, that actually means a lot and as i stand back and look at myself, you're right and i need to be careful
nothing much war, just doin' life
Exactly though we promote proper use here, there is still potential side effects and unknowns, especially as you get older. Anyone that tells you that this shit won't cause you problems after years of high doses etc is full of shit. THere is just a way to do that is less "dangerous" you could say
And just like that I've been talked out of ever injecting b12.
so a sublingual b12 or even bcomplex pills would be ok?
And yea the only things i take are a multi, vitamin C, that vitamin B, and then at the end of the year i'm gonna do a good lil cycle of 500mg/wk test e...nothing too huge, i don't think i'm jumping in over my head at all. I know you disagree, kratos, but i know i'm ready to try a cycle. And I know me pretty well
Thanks guys so 14/15% is lower than I thought I was, so I'm happy about that. I still have some fat to battle. After my next cycle I expect to be feeling good.
^^^ Ever used Clen bro? I think it would help you big time!
I would stick to taking your vitamins oral, that should give you all you need. Take em' morning and night along with essential fats. Extra vitamin C won't hurt. Stay away from taking too much vitamin B-6 even oral though.
I know I'm not going to talk you out of the cycle, so good luck with it.
Clen in PCT is very helpful!
Run with it!
well can we talk about the cycle...is it the fact that i'm too young? Or that my diet needs work, or what, bro? yea you probably won't talk me out of it but I respect you and really look up to you...so its not like i won't take into account what you say
just ate a donut!!!!!!!
all the variables are right for me to cycle...i'm currently and steadily gaining weight, my diet is in check and will continue to be improved, my workout split is great (the DC training), i get enough rest
I know i'm 20, but i'm almost 21, and most would argue that i'm not really too young at this point
BTW, sorry for always bringing up my cycling...I know i always fvking talk about it..
also i have a concern i was gonna bring up to you guys...and another thing i'll ask my doc
i have a varicocele, which is varicose veins by my bellybutton which is cutting off some of the blood to my left testi and decreases its size and also sperm production...NOW do you think this could also affect my test production??
it would make sense...aren't test levels and sperm levevls directly related?
who wants to judge my body fat???
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