girls love little TV's
they're so cute and cuddly
I have a 20 inch in my basement though so I can watch TV while I weld
true story
so I'm not gay after all
Im off to go get some noon coffees, whores, peace be with you.
my gf is going to a concert this summer with her ex bf...i don't like it
I'm going to a concert with my ex is a converstation in a series of about 5 converstations that leads to her leaving you for her ex
The last conversation in the series of 5 being I'm dumping you, I'm still in love with my ex
I can't think of one ex I'd like to hang out with where my motives didn't include sex. You know what he's thinking buddy, use your head.
I told her it makes me nervous...i don' tthink she'll go anymore
he is her "bff"
they are having lunch every thursday now too
Ok, I take that back there is one
I'd like her to tell me she misses me though and wants me back so I could deny her there are no pure motives when dealing with an ex
animal... what do you think about all the time.... SEX
guess what... so does her ex....
2 + 2 does equal 4
i feel like this shit pushes me away from her
and i'm even more worried she won't tell me next time they hang out, like if he drives to visit her in summertime
she won't tell me cause she knows i won't like it
i swear to god.....I'm close to the edge here. This is caused me enough ****ing anxiety
put your foot down and grow a cock
power to the people
power to me to enslave the people
Facism under Voland would probably be a pretty good world to us whores. Heil Voland!
20k only fitting it be in the whore thread
What the heck, 500. Doesn't seem as impressive thanks to you![]()
501. I feel better![]()
drive by....
gotta go with the boys on this one AG
Its gotta be OV
What's up gear whores
P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face
Tsk tsk. The whore thread has fallen so low.
Ever just want to punch everyone you see directly in the face for no good reason other than it would make you feel good?
I'm in one of them moods.
Can't wait for the f*ckin weekend to be here.
The recession is affecting even the whore thread
Big time...
I think we've all been there though.
Or at least can pretend so I don't feel bad.![]()
you whores need to step up your game
I need to go to bed
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