lol.... dont come in the kitchen if you cant stand the heat ...
out of the frying pan and into the fire
ok ?
beer and meds are cool...
gah i fell asleep from 12-3. gotta hit up the gym soon
I just had a chicken with mashed potatoes and some ceaser salad..... mmmm
Sup whores
Sup Dupa?
whats up suckers?
How are you feeling Igifuno? Good drugs?
yup, too good.. things are a bit blurry. don't like it, i feel like i'm dwindeling away... but i looked inthe mirror and i still look i see a spine doc on friday and they need to determine whether its a herniated or ruptured disk... obviously we're hoping herniated cause ruptured means surgury... fun.
lol... maybe...
how you doing bud?
Doing very well, family is great (except son has chicken pox and wife has strep) and job is good. I am just hoping my source come through
good to hear... funny, i think my wife has strep too. she won't freaking stop cou***ng.... my daughter had strep last week and i'm pretty sure she caught it. we're a mess right
sup ren?
Sup Ren?
Man that sucks about the family Igifuno. You are all getting sick.
Captian America.... hmmmm... I like that Rana. Cool.
ya.. my dog even threw up today....
i can't stand being a bitch... it'll pass soon and we'll be superpeople again... thanks for the kind thoughts though bro
sup 3**.. whaz happenin mang?
just wondering if the cowboys will be able to beat the pats when it counts... they seem to be getting better with each game.
yeah, this gets to be the busy time of year for me. summers are skate, winter and spring are assholes and elbows
captain america really is cool... now i want to bring back the punisher
we'll bring silvia back another day
Nice, I missed the Punisher
I will keep my Capt. America for awhile
my god man you're almost 400 posts ahead of me now... that's what i get for snoozin
i miss the mouse pumpin iron too... keep in que please
Hey, there is a superbowl thread here, no need in wasting our time on the cowboys and pats
Well all you whores, I gotta get going and get some other stuff done. Good night, Hope to chat with you later 3b d and I hope you feel better Igifuno
You know I get confused. As a kid I grew up in Texas... Staubach, Pearson, Dorrsett, Jones, etc. .... but the wierd thing is I always liked Michigan too (must've been the helmets). So now you guys have Brady - I loved Brady with Michigan. But Romo seems charmed, and I'm a Texan trough and through. Remeber the Cowboys going through 'frisco in the early 90's to get to the super bowl? well this year i think they will go through new england... if they can get past favre that is!
Ig... i love your Rocky avies... if Sly didn't change the way we work out then Arnolds a girl scout!
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