so tren helps maintain muscle even though the nutrients for developing them arent there....
so tren helps maintain muscle even though the nutrients for developing them arent there....
as long as you have good protein intake. Anthony puts it that tren makes your body more efficient when turning food into muscle, and less eficiant turning food into fat.
10-4 I start tren ace in 4 weeks ... just getting my diet together .... i have a couple people helping me out .... everything should be great .... im 230 now ... im hoping to be a dry 195-200 come late spring early summer....
You should have no problems doing that. I need to take a day and re evaluate my diet.
well thats you ....
hey go look at my ramblin freak thread... lol...
whats up pewn
allready seen it whats the prob?
that thread rocked and now its closed thanks to you ....
start another pics thread then.
i already asked them to delete the thread i started .... im over it now ..
there there pewn
why u bustin my balls
just mind your p's and q's from here on in .... or i guarantee you will be baned....
whatever dude
moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................. where you at ...
My little brother showed me this calculator to teach me how much I waste on food everyday. He eats easy mac or a cup of soup for lunch at work. He is one cheap sob.
im sure he is also tiny ....
Not really, he is 6'4'' 215 lbs. He did a semester abroad in london and he was too cheap to buy food so he got down to 160lbs. His pants were falling off his ass. He just eats a lot of my parents groceries, he lives at home off the fat of the land. I don't think he will live long once he moves out, he won't pay to feed himself.
so i got my first zit in years today ... right on my chest... that thing is a welt ... i think it is a in grown hair...
out of town till friday
going to see Tool concert.
later boys
gonna be home in 30 min and gonna whore like a mofo
btw poon why did ramblin get your thread locked?
im bored
I thought that ar-r sold caber?
Good looking Yanks
no one is here today
Quiet day as well
this place is dead during the day geeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz
nice to see this thread is still going
Don't you love it when your ex-gf changes her picture on her facebook profile to her dancing with some good looking dude with a big smile on her face?
I am boredddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
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