probably from carrying around those man titties. ever think about a reduction?
no man tities here bro maybe its the forearms
so did you photoshop that pic? if not, what's with that crazy lumpish bulge on your arm? is that your penis?
thats the real deal bro
because that hairline is funny as hell. mine is the same way. (hair-none)
my penis looks the same tho
oh wow. healthcare providers are interested in medical records!! no way!!!
what its got the same bulging sides
haha, always makes my day when i check out this thread.
another hour of this shit. blows.
you guys see the previews for the show moment of truth?
yup looks pretty good
could be funny. if they ask the right questions and its not as easy as telling the truth.
dont make me pull this bus over!! my bus driver in 8th grade did that almost every week. would pull over and stop for like 20 mins. very annoying. i had things to do. lol.
have you ever been paid for sex? bahahahahaa
plus i am probably going to have sex tonite. so 'm looking forward to that.
are u gettin paid ?
i'll turn this damn bus around. that will end your PRECIOUS little field trip pretty damn quick. eh'.
i got laid this mornin,by myself tho
i wishskie.
this guy is such a dork.
im bored
hittem with a spitball
i wonder how many men in this country have paid for sex. honestly, i bet its close to 30%.
g/f tried getting some out of me this morning. but im in PCT and just not in the mood. which sucks. time to take some cialis.
probally atleast that
dude you just hit the 20,000th post in this thread. huge!
nova where have u been didnt see u on for a while
classes. were taking most of my time in the last 6 months. now hopefully i'll have more time to whore and help out.
thank you thank you very much
how was the clink? you get the cookies i sent?
cookies to who?
haha i made a rude joke an everyone laughed. haha kill the monotony.
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