wow, i cant believe im talking about gay bars with you guys. thats it. im going to take a break from this site. hahah
wow, i cant believe im talking about gay bars with you guys. thats it. im going to take a break from this site. hahah
im just a regular everyday normal guy motha fvcka!
There was another gay bar called club 251 and my little sister would go there cause they wouldn't ask for ID's. She said the dress code was quite interesting.
Men Dress,lots of make up Women-jeans,leather jackets,
lexed is that what you wear when you go there...
If you go to the department store to try on a dress, do they let you? Are they just like yeah no problem, use the women's dressing room while you are at it. Make sure to blow a load in this prom dress.
kratos have you attempted this ?
this thread is out if control!!
Well, now that I bring it up don't you wonder how the queens know if their dress fits or not?
My little sister made my even younger brother put on a tutu when he was 6 or 7 years old. I have a picture.
i wore a dress on Halloween to a party. other then that i think i may have worn one a few years ago as a prank on someone. i try not to make it a habit.
I have worn a bath robe, does that count?
If I got into a dress it would have had to be made for a big bird of a girl. Maybe if I go to the big and tall bitches store?
I was Dorothy for Halloween. Best costume I ever wore! I had so many girls hitting on me it was insane! My girlfriend was with me dressed as the Cowardly Lion ( Sexy style ) and she was getting pissed cause of all the attention I was getting. Girls were grabbing my ass and asking if I would come hang out with them at their tables and all sorts of ish! It was greatness!!!
I think that I actually posted a pic of that in this thread somewhere!
I don't know why I give you guys ammo like that! Call it stupidity!
post a picture hollywood, I want to see
Why do I do this!??!!!
LMAO, but that doesn't look like the cowardly lion you are with
Another one............
nah, that's some other chick that was dressed as Dorothy! She was jealous and wanted to blow me!
did you see the scarecrow in the first pic? we couldn't find anyone to dress as the scarecrow so I went and bought that one from Garden Ridge!
u sir are an awful looking woman
Thanks Kratos!
I had a feeling this was coming! Body I'm straight! I don't know how many times I have to tell you this! I tried keeping it to the private messages so you wouldn't get embarassed but I need you to get it right! I won't date you no matter how good you think I look in a dress!
lol body, I always get excited for the one day a week you are around
My comeback was really lame too! But then again you haven't posted a pic of yourself on here for ammo either!
Oh man, I have a business dinner with my bosses and colegues tomorrow night in boston. I'm not looking forward to that, haven't been working that hard lately.
First things first where do you go to get your eyebrows waxed?
Body I got a friend who looks almost exactly like you... your name isnt Matayo by any chance
I really got nothing, but in my defense I didn't go through and pick out all of my GQ pics!
Body, can you make a seperate thread if you are going to post gay modeling shots? I don't want to see.
I guess my buddy got custody of his cat he had together with his gf, she removed my kitty from her intrests.
kratos stop lying you know you like body's pic
Could there be anything worse than a living reminder of your ex gf? Note to self never get a pet with a girl that is not flushable.
I'm 5 inches taller, and don't wear shirts to cars I don't own also.
Look at me!!!!!!!!! I'm the spokesperson for the Coming Out of the Closet Campaign!!!
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