bling bling!!
bling bling!!
i just saw my fiance for the first time in 4 days. she was all over me. was kinda annoying. is that a bad thing?
oh ive already pushed the wedding back quite a bit. lol
don't get changes everything. Mine didn't even last 2 years
My opinion, this day and age, there is no need for marriage anymore. Unless it's for a monetary or some other gain, Marriage isn't worth it. Just screws the relationship up for no reason.
yea i told her that i give us three years max to stay married. she wasnt to happy bout that. hahah.
oh snap... 910
This kinda thick girl called me yestereday, can't decide if I should call her back. If I'm going to call her back I should prolly do it today.
hmm thick girls. yummy. when i brought my girl home for the first time. my mom pulled me aside and said. isnt she a bit small for you? cuz she is used to me being with semi thick chicks. i cant help it. they float my boat.
if, and I stress if I find another girl that i wouldn't mind settling down with...marriage isn't gonna be an option for a long while. We'll move in together and spend way too much of our free time together but just not get that little piece of paper saying we are married. The ring just changes everything in the relationship. I think that My ex and I never got married, we would still be together today
no more marriage for this guy...or kids
I'm really wierd about extra weight on girls to the point of being like Jerry Seindfeld. You know how he can find anything wrong with the girl he is dating? "She's got man hands"
I'm kinda picky also, the smallest things annoy the hell out of me and make me lose interest. This girl i'm hanging out with now is hot, funny and cool to hang around with but she smacks her tongue when she eats. Small little things like that annoy me
well does she put that tounge smacking to good use when the time comes??
uh huh, she's pretty good at that
When I was a little boy, I used to work in a sweatshop. We made deodorant.
when i was a little boy, i had an imaginary friend. his name was booba. he was a penguin. he touched me in my special places.
a wise man once told me.... sometimes ya feel like a nut. sometimes ya dont!!!
I think I give up dougnuts, it has been like 4 or 5 days now since I had one and thats a good start.
I worked at burger king when i was a kid...
I need some coffee
I haven't been over my parents house to eat food in maybe a week. I lost 5 pounds this week. I'm down to 247.
Should toilet paper roll over or under when you pull on it?
I love wet's so real and all strings are cut once you wake up... no worries about rugrats or stds or getting txt messages all damn day and night saying things like "what am I to you, just a fu@%?" or "should I just give up on us and move on" after only knowing her for a couple days...
wet dreams are great. i wish i could have one every night. and yes my imaginary friend was a he. i dont talk to him to this day... understandably. matter of fact, my imaginary friend kind of looked like DSM??? hmmm wierd. hahahaha. and for the TP question, most definitly over!!
I didnt know tp had a correct way to go on
oh there are rules. there are always rules!!!!
I think I might go change mine to go on so it rolls from the bottom and when my girlfriend comes over see if she says anything.
Alright, have fun getting dumped
I should break out the new toothbrush the dentist gave me last week. Been using the same crusty toothbrush for a long long time.
btw the tooth brush was invented in Alabama
How do I know you ask?
Anywhere else and it would be called teeth brush.
hahah. kratos is always good for a laugh.
look who's here
really though, look who's here...
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