let's all just count down! till we get what we want! I have 19!!!
uh, i have, uh, hold i need to find my calculator. haha
49 fo rizzle!!
16 and mine will be to be continued when I get back from lunch!
going to go on lunch soon. i hate it!! it interrupts my whoring!! but im going to meet my fiance and she always gives me a bj on lunch. so i can whore then.
meatball sandwich
what if im trying to reach 10,000 posts. so right now i need only 9047!!!!!
y not a skinny dump?? do you discriminate on your dumps? how bout my humps. my humps, my lovely manly lumps!!!
hahah. well control that banning habit.
Body, how was your valintines day? In your Pee pee thread you speak of a new woman. Did you just have a break-up?
I took some clenbuterol today, it was old and had doodies floating in it. It still works though.
Even though I have only been off cycle like 7 weeks or so, I'm gonna start another prop tren cycle next week. I'm going to vegas in april, then europe in june so I need to cram a cycle in.
I like single esters myself, but it sounds fine, depends what you want from it.
When you start body? How many weeks long is the cycle?
I look best after I come off, I feel light on my feet right now at 247.
6'3", honestly 247 doesn't look all that big at my height. I am thin and athletic more than anything. Most people guess my weight around 210.
i have been 5 10" 230 about 3 months ago ... i have cut to about 220 right now .... and still cutting .... i love tren because you can eat less and still gain muscle mass...
I'm baaaaaAAAAACK!!!!
I tried writing that so you could here the tone go up in the middle of back.
I wish I could take a big fat dump! I've had the squirts for three days now!!!!
the fun has arrived!!!!!!!@
It wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't so nervous every time I have to fart!!!!
I think it may be cause I started my creatine again.
anybody else ever had this problem?
It was real bad this morning! I was sitting there letting it go and my nose for no reason started gushing blood! I was like great what's next!
Bad subject or what?
that didn't work out the way I wanted!
I'm so close to my goal I can taste it!
I'm gonna just bang it out real quick!!!!
I had sushi for lunch soooooooooo good!!!!! love the tuna sushiama!
I went to lunch with this dime piece I used to bang! It was kinda weird too cause she is engaged and shit now!
well Body your not very dedicated to getting 1000 posts!
and with this post I have reached my goal!!!!!!!!!!!!
when have you not just taken a dump?
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