Kratos, spend the extra $20 a month to get unlimited txt messages. I learned that a while back. One month I had something like 1200 total txt msgs, that would have been a pretty heavy bill if i didn't do the unlimited msgs
Kratos, spend the extra $20 a month to get unlimited txt messages. I learned that a while back. One month I had something like 1200 total txt msgs, that would have been a pretty heavy bill if i didn't do the unlimited msgs
when my one ex and i were fighting after she had moved to fl. i had almost 3000 freaking text messages!!! but thank god i already had unlimited. jesus. i would have a heart attack if i had to pay that bill.
thats a beautiful ass. is it yours??
yea. well
ok, that's a bit Mo' Betta
she looks like shes 12. hehe
oh dont worry im not jealous. i like fat chicks. lol preferably over 40. hahah
body got himself a spinner
spin cycle?
spinners are for doing the washing machine with
nouns and verbs body, god, I don't have time to teach 3rd grade english to ya
i thought body had a high IQ??
is that your arm in the pic holding "your girl??" looks kinda thin to me. lol
Why the hell don't people have more respect than to give 1 FN DAYS NOTICE!????!?!?!
cuz society is in decline. kids have no respect. immigration is killing the economy and all the children and young adults are being raised by death, drugs and violence.
body, how is the rack on that little hornet?
I like it when girls have small hands, makes your penis look like ginormous.
word up slutters
how do you think she would feel about the hot in the hole
might like it ...
pewn, your looking hot today as usual
i have wet dreams of pewns avie.
half time
just bring that beat back!! back!! back!! back!! bring that f'in beat baaaaaack!!!!!!!!!
16 .
15 ah!
14... 14 bats in the attic. ah ah ah!! man i miss watching sesame st. hah
stop being gay body, tell me a story instead
I'm going to Jay Peak tonight and skipping work tomorrow, it's right on the vermont canada border. There are frenchies everywhere.
Tai food is good, I like pad tai + all the spicy dishes + spring rolls rule
I had a half a chicken for lunch
Rest in Peace chicken
I bought a pack of cigs last night, something luxurious about smoking on the ski lift
In case you guys are wondering, my skiing skills are rediculious.
I hope my apartment and my car clean themselves while I'm away this weekend
I'm heading up 91, yup, the hershey highway
ummm no 91 goes from New Haven CT through Hartford, Springfield MA and into Vermont...get outta the city much body?
I just took a dump so big, I decided to smoke a cig after....and no I'm no really a smoker
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