wow prinsces gate shot out quick
Try owning a sportbike.
I had to sell my gixxer750. I was getting way too many tickets on that thing. Not that i am a horrible rider but i mean come on, with all that power under you who isn't going to play from time to time (always in safe areas-without traffic of course).
First thing i would do with a busa is SELL IT !
Way too much bike for the street in my opinion. Unless you are a bigger guy 250lbs+.
I think the new 750's are insane with the HP and i wouldn't go any higher. I was looking at the 1000's but even that for me might be too much. I get in enough trouble with he 750 no need to push my luck even further.
I'm just saying.....
whats up bitches
Nada just waiting the day away. Having a cup of coffee then off to spend more money that i don't have.
i saw you guys were posting bout cars before... i just bought a 03 bmw M5... dinan intake, dinan software, dinan exhaust... that thing is a beast...
How is that owned?
I lurked a lot, I only registered for a few posts
get admin to run an IP check.
We had an earthquake in England last night, I didnt notice it but its big news.
we don't get them often, first one in 20 years....
wow you're so witty and original.
Theres a thread on this graph in the conversation lounge over on steroid ology
jesus man... whats wrong wit you??
no one else thought that graph was kinda funny?
Good afternoon all
missed class cuz i slept in so late damnit -.-
renesis where you go to school?
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