yeah ok - will sell it as modern art and get some dumb arty type to pay millions 4 it.
This you hanging with ya bro's dsm?
hahaha Their chicken legs make their bulges look bigger.
hah bitches
I love the way the one on the left is thinking he looks cool for the ladiess... yet is standing in his y-fronts with 2 other ghey looking guys!
yo chuck!
we're ganna be put out of the whoring business with the way jada is going!
Jada's thinking to become an anabolic whore but he's just on a tutorial now
didn't BodyByAAS have 'in a van by the river' as his location? swear i remember it from somewhere else.
That guy has been banned from other boards as well I heard...
Having my burgers in a while.
Hey shifty, did you forget how to launch msn?
well.... i'm still here...
my msn keeps fecking up - apparently there havin problems with the server ma account is on
mmmm i gotta whole load of smoked salmon to eat
salmon, lemon juice, ground black pepper, feta cheese, olives, and some salad leaves....
Gidday crew.
Just watch City vs Country in the NRL (National Rugby League) any of you guys know anything about League?
Fatty meal shifty...
high five everyone!!!![]()
yeah i know - but tasty
dont try n make me feel guilty... i already do.... - hence no carbs to try n make ma self feel better![]()
there was an offer on at the local fish market / smoke house - i get taken in by offers....
Hey Shift surely someone with your knowlege could justify it somehow.
whats up!!! im in love. not lust. im actually in love. my heart hurts. i dont know if i like this feeling. im not used to it.
I just get angry and depressed without carbs
This diet is fvking me up, i need more load days...
What's your bodyfat now shift?
Take a pill!
power is knowledge - ignorance is bliss
i shall pretend i never ate it.
oh yea. i live off carbs. i cant not have them. i would go on a rampage
The application of knowlege is power.
just met a girl. and we have been talking the last few days. and we have just connected. and she is so gorgeous. i mean, just gorgeous. and smart. and has her life together. for the first time, im not thinking about sex with her. im just happy to talk to her. and im on TEST!!!!
f*ck yeah dukkit!! good to hear bro.. me and my girl are breaking up. friggin HUGE mess.. congrats though dude!
reckon i mite have dropped a 1% - been rubbish on the weights recently, been concentration on general fitness as never really had it b4, but since giving up smoking its summit i wanna get in order.
(if any guys here smoke, trust me, give it up)
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