umm, she sketched out on me because she was depressed because this guy she was kinda psudo with just picked his other gf over her. I don't know wtf is wrong with girls.
umm, she sketched out on me because she was depressed because this guy she was kinda psudo with just picked his other gf over her. I don't know wtf is wrong with girls.
Now I can see why some on here are gay, they probably have more functional realationships than us straight guys
girls are stupid thats whats wrong....also you need to find a delicate balance between dik and good guy...i have yet to find it and am a dik all the time
No shit...ever since my divorce Im like hell, I forgot about all these b.s. games in dating. When the p#ssy is flowing in I love being single, but damn the games
The games are what makes dating fun
I'm so fvcking tired right now.
Weird actually being at home for once tonite.
It's a catch 22. Met this broad a week ago went out saturday me n her for drinks had a great time got a little action. Sunday comes we meet up at a block party for a for a drink then she had to go into work for a couple hours and it turns out later she across the street from me at this bar. Well she comes over and starts ordering shots for all of us three rounds but then says she'll be back. The bill rolls in me and my buddies pay it n cross the street n my buddy says there she goes taking off out the back once we got in. There was this guy at the bar that gave me $10 bill said that was all she left. I called her her and texted her never heard back. Times like this I wish I was a female, I would lay the smack down.
whoohoo!! its raining.
Morning whores
hey Mr. Beef.
well thats interesting cuz i was hanging out with this chick last night and i realized that i have feelings for her. and she is totally relationship material. great job, personality, responsible, her own place, new car. all that good stuff. so ive been thinking that i may try a relationship again. i got out of an engagement back in jan. so ive just been in the mind set to go out and meet the most amount of girls i can. but it gets old.
well i know mine doesnt have a dick!Originally Posted by roidattack;4016***
i sure hope yours doesnt either man!
Morning whores
I didn't shower or put on deoderant this morning. Hit the snooz too many times. I hope nobody can tell.
no chance of skipping some work and going to the beach today, its pouring out
^^ that sucks. its been rainy here all day also.
There is this hott rail thin 23 year old girl that works at my gym, I haven't been to the gym a lot lately because it's been nice out, and if I ride my bike 30 miles there is no time. Anyway she wasn't there last night, but word on the street she is dating a town cop now, booo.
We went out for drinks with other friends before and she is always super flirty.
seems like you always miss out man. god is cock blocking ya.
god hates my penis for sure
ordered a turkey BLT for lunch, hold the tomatoes, the sandwich lady informed me that makes it only a BL...guess she's right.
hahaha. thats the way the cookie crumbles!!
im hungry. yet again Kratos, you bring up food. now i want some.
Why do girls date cops? Everone hates cops. I hate them with their piggy snouts.
maybe girls like the authority thing. like how alot of women date men that are like their fathers. well they want that authority and a cop has that. or... cops are just bastards.
There is this power lifter dude that goes to my gym. He is one of the few people there that moves any real weight. He squats like 700 pounds and has done comps and stuff. He is not a good looking man as far as I can tell. He is from poland or something. He gives me tips on lifting form and stuff. Anyway last night he had a hott blonde in tow, my jaw just dropped.
well she must like him for his muscles, penis, or money.
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