week 1-16 eq 600mg a week
week1-4 dbol 20mg ed
week 1-8 test e 1000mg a week
week 9-16 tren ace 50mg ed
week 9-16 test p
week 18-20 clen 20mg ed
week 18-20 hcg
let me know what you think about my next cycle...please...
hmmm, it looks good.
y are you using 1000mg a week? have you done alot of cycles in the past? 1000mg is a bit much unless you have been cycling for years.
also, i would use the test prop for the first 6 weeks. then start the test e at like week 4 so that your prop hits first. and by the time its out of your system the test e will have kicked in. seems like you will be wasting the last 2 weeks of the test e cuz it will be over run with the prop. and it will make your levels unstable cuz you will have the test e tapering off and the prop kicking in. but they wont synergize most likely.
how much prop will you be using? 1000mg also?
other then those points i think it looks good.
thats my 2cc's
y such a low dose of d-bol? I use 30mg minimum. but to each his own.
thank you for the advice...I'll make the change...
100mg test p eod...
that's all the dbol I have...ever since Operation Raw Deal gear has been hard to come by for me...
oh yeah...1000mcg vitamin B12 injectable
been cycling for awhile now...this will be my heaviest cycle ever...was going to only do 750mg a week of test e...
well i mean you know your body. and have probably done more cycles then me. thats just how i would cycle it. but i would love to do a cycle like that.
yea i get ya on the d-bol supply.
i would do the prop first cuz you will get results faster. plus your doin a low dose of d-bol so you wouldnt see crazy gains like im sure you want to see if you are only run off the d-bol for a month. cuz the EQ and test E wont be fully kickin in. so i would do the prop first. get good fast gains. then the Test E, EQ, and Tren would come into play and you would be able to keep those gains coming.
since I rearranging my tests...I'm droping to 750mg of test e a week...
yea, with all the compounds your using, you will see some good ass gains if your diet and workout regimen are dialed in. and i usually run a lower test dose with tren to help the tren do more of its job. also ive found i get more sides if i run test at a high dose while i run tren with it.
ok then...this is my 2nd time on tren...should I run only 500mg of test e then...
its really up to you. i know alot of ppl that like to run the test low so the tren can really do its thing. but some ppl love test and always dose up on it. i mean you can always start at 750 and if you get a bunch of sides, lower it to 500 or so. i was actually running 525 mg of tren per week, and only 350mg of tren. i loved it. got great gains. but its all about what you want.
you know I read alot about gear...but it's never enough...
oh i will forever be grateful for this site. i would be so lost without it.
i just did a tren A and sust cycle. looking to do a test e and tren e with d-bol kicker and masteron for the last 6 weeks. so far, its looking good.
tell me, do you think it would be alright, if i could just crash here tonight?
heres the info on masteron
that masteron sounds great...I want some now...
nap time...This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 17 seconds.
This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 2 seconds.ok nap time...
be back soon...whores...
I hate John Elway
sweet potatoes are good
I miss ice cream
How about this moron trying to call me out in the diet section? Unreal, I gave up. He's calling out Bino too. Little Gotti-wanna-be's, they should all be exterminated from the face of the earth.
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