Just thought you might like to see my hot naked ass !!![]()
Just thought you might like to see my hot naked ass !!![]()
Originally Posted by Prada
I really did lol and at it was loud and I'm at work
I didnt expect your ass to be so hairy
Originally Posted by DSM4Life
Awww did I get you a little Excited there DSM??? sorry to tease you like that......lololol![]()
I was disappointed......I thought you and GoodCent were finally coming out togetherOriginally Posted by SMAN12B
Originally Posted by DSM4Life
well ya know, if you can talk the powers that be into allowing Nudity, I would be happy to show you all the ass you want........lolol
Just won't be MINE.....lolol
Gee, I thought everyone would want to look at my naked hairy ass??
how disappointing
damn thjats one sweet harily ass
shave that thing!
thats one nasty ass
Nope, still not gay. You might want to work on sman, he's starting gay porn threadsOriginally Posted by DSM4Life
He might make a "coming out thread any day now"
ok, "cuming out" for the pervs![]()
i can not beleive i clicked on this....
AgreedOriginally Posted by pewntang
the Society for Indecency to Naked Animals
Bum Steer
Friday, Mar. 15, 1963
The situation seemed grim. For one thing, it was raining. For another, only three of the 80 persons expected to march on Washington from Baltimore showed up. But the picketers hoisted their signs high and circled the White House for seven hours straight. "Mrs. Kennedy," pleaded the placards, "Won't You Please Clothe Your Horse for Decency?" SINA was on the march.
As explained by President G. Clifford Prout Jr., 32, and gleefully reported in the nation's press, the Society for Indecency to Naked Animals was founded four years ago by his late father, a St. Louis real estate man, who left $400,000 to institute an organization dedicated to the proposition that "all animals should wear clothing for the sake of decency." "It should have been the Society Against Indecency to Naked Animals, of course," explained the junior Prout disarmingly. "but unfortunately my father was a little—well, not quite of sound mind when he drew up the will, and he used the wrong preposition."
Grave Danger. Prout claimed a membership of more than 50,000, and 47 chapters throughout the country, all dedicated to clothing pets in breakaway shorts, pants or wrap-around skirts. How about calls of nature? Easy enough, says SINA; a few weeks of practice, and any animal can learn to lower his pants with his teeth.
Picketer and SINA Vice President Bruce Spencer declared that the major immediate problem is "the grave danger of people seeking vicarious thrills by looking at nude animals. Automobile drivers are constantly getting into wrecks because they find themselves diverted by the sight of a naked cow or bull grazing right beside the highway. For just that reason, we have declared the New Jersey Turnpike a moral disaster area. We feel that people should no more take children to a zoo than to a burlesque show." (Last summer President Prout personally supervised the dressing of animals at the San Francisco Zoo.)
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