Is there any way to "study"for a hair folicle test.Marijuana is the only thing I have to worry about,any suggestions or products I can use.It's for a job and I can't make my sponser look stupid.
Is there any way to "study"for a hair folicle test.Marijuana is the only thing I have to worry about,any suggestions or products I can use.It's for a job and I can't make my sponser look stupid.
you can buy online shampoos
What's the word on them,how effective are they,and do you know anyone who's had success?Originally Posted by l2elapse
I doubt the shampoos work. During testing the hair sample is chemically washed, dissolved in another chemical, and then tested for metabolites using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Any shampoo that claims it works by "coating" the hair will not work. Some claim to actually remove the metabolites from the hair structure, but I don't think that's possible.
They do hair testing where I work and someone I work with told me he used one and it workedOriginally Posted by dedic8ed1
Thanks for the input guys,much obliged.
Personally i dont think shampoo will do anything since the chemicals lay in the root of the hair not on top. Doing a folicle test can show weed up to 6 months after use. Good luck.
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