Hey guys
So I'm about 6 months in on a my natural bulking cycle (still steroid free) and lately I've started to feel myself plateauing. I don't know if it's a psychological thing or if its physical, but I feel as if every pound gain is coming harder and harder and my patience is dwindling. My diet is a mix between a clean bulk with the usual protein rich foods such as tuna, chicken breast, lots of carbs, and a few cheat snacks if I please.
I changed my workout routine about a month and a half ago to shake things up and I'm usually in the gym 4-5 days a week for about an hour and a half each session. I'm supplementing with creatine and protein, and mainly try to consume about 4000 calories a day to keep the gains coming. Fat hasn't been a concern to me as I've been naturally lean most of my life.
What do you guys do when you feel this way? I know every day I'm in the gym I'm getting one step closer to my goals (I'm shooting to be 210 after bulking and cut down to a solid 200 with 10% bodyfat) but lately it's seemed to be harder than ever to get that weight up. Any opinions or advice on things that have worked for you to get through your plateaus or pshychological barriers? Thanks.