anyone into aquariums and fish n shit? I got a few, just curious what and if anyone else has.
anyone into aquariums and fish n shit? I got a few, just curious what and if anyone else has.
I had a saltwater setup several years ago, I didn't know anything about it, so I ended up teaching all my fish how to float![]()
i think tai will have something to say about this![]()
i have a tropical aquarium. I have around 25 fish, including tetras, angel fish, corydoras, guamis, loaches, plecks and silver sharks. I would like to eventually set up a saltwater tank, but not for the foreseeable future
nice. I got a 25 gal set up with just amazon fish, black tetras, glowlights, silver dollars, neon, and some corydoras. Im like to try and keep fish together as they are in nature, cuz i feel like they react to each other better.
I also have a 55 gal coldwater, all of it is from a very clean creek by me. Its all native, plants included. I have a bunch of various minnows, 2 bluegill, like 7 clams (some are huge, bigger than a baseball), crayfish. Id like a catfish, but i cant catch n e small enough. Bluegill are mean as hell though, buy 12 goldfish and toss em in, gone in minutes. They like to fight the crayfish, to no avail, neither can hurt the other one. They also love lunchmeat, turkey mostly
i used to have a 30 gallon slat water reef tank years ago, PAIN in the ass, i took it down, went away to school for a long time, and when i got out i set it up againa as a fresh water african cichlid tank, thani had one oscar, he just recently died. now my tank is empty and i am not sure what i should do with it.
I have two parana's. I bought them in Italy and I don't think most countries sell them. You feed them other fish, so they are a pain in the ass to feed.
I have two parana's. I bought them in Italy and I don't think most countries sell them. You feed them other fish, so they are a pain in the ass to feed.
I have two parana's. I bought them in Italy and I don't think most countries sell them. You feed them other fish, so they are a pain in the ass to feed.
I have two parana's. I bought them in Italy and I don't think most countries sell them. You feed them other fish, so they are a pain in the ass to feed.
i had piranhas. Those things are bitches. They are messy as hell, and wont even eat in front of you most the time. Way overated. But it was funny to see them eat baby mice haha. Bluegill are cooler
I'm getting a saltwater, live rock setup. Keep an eel, clown fish, and anenomes.
I have an 80 gallon set up in storage right now. It's used to be a mix of freshwater, but next time around (probably later in the year) i'm going to do the whole salt water set up.
fish are freaking tite day i want a big tank and i am going to put a sting ray in joke
I love salt water especially large tanks want to set another one up with a couple of sharks
I love aquariums. I dont have one, but i dig them.
Post some pics..
2 55 gals. One with 3 piranhas (about 5-6"?) the other mixed freshwater tropical![]()
i got a 150, 75 and a 35 plus i had 1 10gals for my feeder fish
converted 35 to salt for puffer fish and got rid of the 75 it was boring..
i collect bichirs.. rare amazonian prehistoric fish things look like dragon/alligoator retarded eels
haha we had a puffer tank in my apartment during school
one fahaca and one of the green spotted ones. The fahaca was mean as hell, killed crayfish on the spot
big time into the hobbuy i have had all kinds of different fish eels sharks octapus inverts u name it.
Post some pics liar.Originally Posted by taiboxa
When I saw the recent articles on
It made me think of those Bircher fishies..
Kinda ancient looking scaly , weird things.
my silver dollar ran into somthing and poked his eye out, kinda humorous, kinda sad. Now its just an empty socket, and he gets caught swimming in circles.
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