Im not on my normal comp, i put my foot through my baby (I loved that comp) when i found out what happened so this is probably last post for a while i still try to stay on aim and msn but its hard when i have no real comp of my own
For those that don’t read it all u really missing out on the most amazingly ****d up even that has ever happened in REAL LIFE! THIS SHIT IS MOVIES ONLY MATERIAL that only happens to me ><.. I still kant believe it!
Here is the story
4-5weeks ago i meet this super awesome chick, WE CLICK w/ everything! personality, likes, dislikes, she thinks my aas usage is neat and is like birth control.. says im perfect does wat ever i tell her to do (problem was she being 5ft/tiny sex couldn’t happen more than once/twice a night kuz she would be hurting too bad I HAD TO PUT THAT IN THERE IM FEELING LIKE SHIT AND NEED EGO BOOST) and yatta yatta.. there is like NOTHING we could argue over or anything that seemed like it could come between us.. I never been in a relationship so perfect(oh but I learn!)... so in short IM HAPPY and she is too... plus she was walways trying to do any all lil things for me… her neighbor said she had never seen Crissy look so happy.
Now here is where it gets strange… all of a sudden she LOSES her fone in her apartment same night she got super sick from MT2 (I mean I saw her vomiting non stop all night after the injection though I don’t think it was the MT2 kuz next night I was throwing up non stop like I had flue w/o taking MT2 so imo it was 24hr Bug).. and cant find it kuz she had it in on silent at the same time she had to bolt kuz her grandma had a stroke (I found out she had to bolt from her brother via msn-he was the one who told her and he really exists for those who read the whole thing and is a good guy talked w/ him a bit later on and he was headed up there and would have her call me on his fone as soon as he gets there since she lost hers) welp.. 3 days go by NOTHING no contact no nothing. SATURDAY I get these notices of OVERDRAFTS in my ****ing mail.. apparently I spent oh.. a couple grand here and there on purses and marry kay makeup! Yep..I JUST love that stuff u know its so supe w/ my I have shit luck Personality. Well now im furious- I call her fone a shit load more trying and praying someone will have it LOL. So off to the bank I go to shut the card down, file paper work to press charges since they all have her NAME ON the purchases. So its going to be easy to nail this bich… OR SO I THOUGHT but I was wrong… while im at the bank I see a missed call/voicemail I call it and it goes like this
HEY! This is Crissy I don’t know why u keep calling me so much I think u have the wrong number but anyways this is (yatta yatta). I call her back I get voicemail. im like “I know u stole my card, I know you molested my bank account in every way and as we speak im attaining the paper work to press charges on cc fraud.” I finish up at bank go home. I get the call. She goes “What are you talking about???! I just FLEW in from cali.. I do work as a private investigator and I have been out there for 6 weeks!” Im like uh huh I KNOW U DO PI work u told me this before.. when we first started dating! She is like DATING?! Im like yeah and u STOLE MY CREDIT CARD AND SPENT ALL MY FUXIN MONEY?!
She replies THAT musta been my Twin sister … she was house sitting for me! Im like “BULLSHIT IT WAS YOU TWIN!” (if u ever heard The Tick talk.. it sounded just like him.. god im weird. “Where are you right now?”I ask. She responds “Im in Gpool(lil town) setting up a convention”- for her marry kay shit.
I reply what is the soonest you can be at ur apartment? she is like probably 5-5:30pm?.. im go “Hmmm… well that’s not going to work. Tell them u had a death in the family and YOU ARE the only one that can resurrect them! Now get ur ass up here by 2! If you are even 15minutes late because a meteorite smashes your car the papers will be filed and twin or no twin ITS YOUR NAME ON THE CHARGES and you are the one that will be in a world of hurt!” She starts like crying and says OK OK IM ON MY WAY! (I almost felt bad)
WELL HOLY SHIT! I get there and she really is her twin (this one is even BETTER LOOKING!!) She has a few more freckles, theres a tiny bit of difference in body comp (she is lil thinner) and DOESN’T HAVE THE BLUE MOON tattoo on her foot that her Evil twin had. Turns out that her TWIN Jen (the EVIL ONE) was house sitting while Crissy was in Cali conducting PI work. Crissy had Jen house sit and use her marrykay/fone to keep her MarryKay business going as well as help out her own MarryKay progression (Jen’s)… since Crissy would be mostly using LAN lines in cali anyways.
As we start talking- first thing I say is I take it ur not single eh? She is like Nope been engaged for almost a year now, I was like DAMN! And ur the better loookin one too. (she wanted me- I could see it but the 25,000$ rock on her hand said No!) anyways we kept talking and she says you seem like such a great guy it makes me so sick to my stomach she did this too you and lil tears come out of her eyes (might be more scam for all I know lol..) Crissy stated Jen has done this in the past and has gone to jail for stealing/writing hot checks. She said they thought that once she got out of jail this time she woulda changed… but nope Jen got a hold of Crissy’s checks while she was house sitting and put CRISSY 600$ in the HOLE! as well. Anyways since Crissy doesn’t even have a dime to her name and its her NAME on those charges we decided that I wouldn’t prosecute her since it wouldn’t do jack shit anyways plus It would totally ruin her… but she did give me a promissory note for repayment as soon as she tracks down and nails her sister for identity theft.
So there it is tais life at its finest once again I will probably not be on for a LONG TIME as some how I just met a SUPER cute 18yr old(she calls me a perv for being interested in her since she is like 8yrs younger than me but when I said hell lets not date she gets super sad!LOL im going to jail ><)… and If im lucky she will only end up taking my house and atleast leaving me my fish !