i have a friends bucks party coming up and have never played texas hold em, please give me some of your tips and an understanding of the game. thanks
i have a friends bucks party coming up and have never played texas hold em, please give me some of your tips and an understanding of the game. thanks
play online. easiest way to learn, there are lots of free sites. i downloaded from p o k e r s t a r s . n e t
2/7 is worst hand!!!!!!!
You've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away, know when to run. You never count your money, when you're sittin' at the table. There'll be time enough for countin', when the dealin's done
play position, not your hands.... sit to the left of the most aggressive guy at the table....if a hand is good enough to call, its good enough to raise.... hands like pocket jacks turn to shit when an A or a K comes out on the board... you should play between 16 and 20 percent of all hands... lol as a college student this is how get all my spending cash, it seems to work out ok for me...
yea u really just got to play alot to get the hang of it online games will help but u gotta learn to read ppl and know when to bluff and fold and all that shit just spend all night on a site and ull pick up enough to get u through it
slow down bigboy, what is a pocket jack?
play online... easiest way to learn...
-Be the guy that is making the drinks for everyone and don't put any liqour in your drinks.
-Don’t be afraid to commit to the pot
-Avoid underbetting the pot
-Change up your style of play
-Don't limp in and don't let other people at the table limp in. If your hand is worth playing raise preflop to eliminate the bad hands.
pocket jacks would be if you got two jacks delt to you.... i wouldnt change your style of play, if you are new to the game play it conservative, that way when you do get in a pot everyone knows you have something good...this helps later when you wanna bluff, its all about table image bro...until you feel that the table knows your conservative dont bluff....if you raise, raise 3x what ever the blinds are....
when you are just getting used to the game and dont exactly know what you're doing, i would suggest only playing the top 10 hands. if you play good cards, you'll have a way easier time understanding where you stand. by top 10 hands i mean:
bet hard when youre good, fold if you feel the odds are against you. if you want to learn about raising, check raising, pre-flop raising, pot odds, ect..do a search online and you can learn everything you need.
I started playing online poker for money before i ever played in my life...i just stayed patient, played GOOD hands..left to more to the cards and didnt get too attached to hands(folded when i felt outdrawn) after a month i was up a couple hundred, after a few months i was up a thousand, after 6 months i was up 4 000$..it was paying my bills for a while..now i dont play as much cause i actually have a job, hahaha...but still rock pokerroom once in a while.
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