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  1. #1
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    anyone work in oil drilling/refining/etc

    Im considering getting into this type of work, b/c the industry is probably one of the highest paying around, i have a background in electrical, electronics, welding, mechanical and some controls work, through my Refrigeration license, would love to hear some people expirience, advice, stories, etc.

  2. #2
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
    dedic8ed1 is offline Banned
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    Talk to WEBB that's his game.

  3. #3
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    Oh ya i forgot about that, he's in town here for the week too, thx

  4. #4
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    come down to south louisiana and work in the oil patch. great money, but you gonna earn your pay.

  5. #5
    tbrocato's Avatar
    tbrocato is offline Member
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    I work in the gulf of mexico and live in southern louisiana. I love it. Money is great and time off is awesome!

  6. #6
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbrocato
    I work in the gulf of mexico and live in southern louisiana. I love it. Money is great and time off is awesome!

    What rate do you get?I'm assuming your union right?

  7. #7
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    unfortunately.....unions and the oil field dont go together

  8. #8
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214
    unfortunately.....unions and the oil field dont go together
    Really?I only ask cause my dad and uncle both work for the sunoco refinery and there union,and there rate is $31.00 hr plus really good benefits.

  9. #9
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    refineries....glad to hear they are unionized. but in the gulf area where drilling and production takes place, it hasnt happened. and any talk of organizing is squelched quick, as in FIRED. my son works on a siesmograph boat and brings in 450 a day. 35 days on 14 days off.

  10. #10
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214
    refineries....glad to hear they are unionized. but in the gulf area where drilling and production takes place, it hasnt happened. and any talk of organizing is squelched quick, as in FIRED. my son works on a siesmograph boat and brings in 450 a day. 35 days on 14 days off.
    Wow man,you must be very proud.That sounds like a very lucrative career.How did he get into that,Engineer degree?

  11. #11
    wascaptain5214 is offline Senior Member
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    acually he got a GED. the oilfield pays well, he is doing good, dont get me wrong, but if he had a engineering degree, hed make more. but that shift he works aint for everybody. he is never home and been through 2 wives. how he got that job.....the day he turned 18, i took him to tide-water marine docks in morgan city louisiana and said here take him....they did and he is 30 now. he is a first mate on a 350ft boat. not bad money for a high school drop out.

  12. #12
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wascaptain5214
    acually he got a GED. the oilfield pays well, he is doing good, dont get me wrong, but if he had a engineering degree, hed make more. but that shift he works aint for everybody. he is never home and been through 2 wives. how he got that job.....the day he turned 18, i took him to tide-water marine docks in morgan city louisiana and said here take him....they did and he is 30 now. he is a first mate on a 350ft boat. not bad money for a high school drop out.

    Damn right captain,I'm tryin to get into sunoco over here in jersey and the last time they were accepting applications they tested 1,500 people for the job and accepted less then 20 people.My dad and uncle said it don't matter if I'm family or not the only way to get in is to do it like everyone else,And my uncle is a supervisor and has been so for 15 years.I also took a test for valero oil but I failed the second part of the test only by a couple points,O well one day I'll catch a break somewhere.I wish I could make a move to another state for a better career but I got a kid here and leaving is no option,his mother is a real pain in the ass and I would probably see my kid only a couple times a year which is unnacceptable.

  13. #13
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
    Doc.Sust is offline Retired "hall of famer/elite powerlifter"
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    a van down by the river!
    power65 did,but i havent seen him here in a long time

  14. #14
    testisbest is offline Senior Member
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    I've been working in the oilfield since I got out of the navy. Depending on who you work for and what you do, the pay can be very good. That being said if you work offshore or on land locations, you'll be gone from your family for 6+ months out of the year. The service industry actually pays better than drilling or production but most work on a 24 hour call basis and have to work at the shop back at home when not on a job. But I've only got my GED as well and last year I cleared $76,000 after taxes and I was 22 years old.

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