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Thread: Intense Dreams?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Intense Dreams?

    Okay guys, I want you all to try this, it's a trip! Take 500 mg of Valerian, 50 mg of Vitamin b-6, and 5 mg of Melatonin. Now this little cocktail will intensify your dreams beyond belief... I had some crazy lucid dreams and ionno how to explain it, it just "intensifies" them and you wake up really refreshed. I read up quite a lot on them but don't care to copy and paste what the scientific reasons are, you can search for yourselves... But I recommend you try it, it's interesting.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Middle East 4 Now
    does the dose matter ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Well that's the "usual" dosage on people who want to have vivid dreams, in proportion to one another... I'm sure you can give or take a little bit but I wouldn't go to the extremes cuz too much of anything is bad for u... unless it's masturbation

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by LawMan018
    Well that's the "usual" dosage on people who want to have vivid dreams, in proportion to one another... I'm sure you can give or take a little bit but I wouldn't go to the extremes cuz too much of anything is bad for u... unless it's masturbation
    lmao!!!! I strongly agree hahaha

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