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Thread: Favorite Board Members and Least favorite

  1. #201
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I was guessing under amorphics desk the way he goes on about him...

  2. #202
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I was guessing under amorphics desk the way he goes on about him...
    You're good
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  3. #203
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by R**85
    haha that will be the day...

    Dude I just noticed your Avy...................You are my favorite member by far!!!

    Want some sammich's????
    "without your word you're a shell of a man" - Tupac

    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

  4. #204
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Playing w/ tits
    [QUOTE=Carlos_E]We all know you know where to find him.

    You want tren back after he tried to reverse scam someone?[/QUOTE]

    Didn't hear anything about that, could you tell me more? Was he banned too? I use to just shoot the shlt with him on this site, didn't know anything about him. Matter of fact I would never buy steriods off someone on an internet site, that's just asking to be scammed

  5. #205
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    May 2002
    PM me.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  6. #206
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    lost in translation
    roid was my favorite until he lost his post count, now he's my bitch!,bwahahahahahaha

  7. #207
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Getting madcow treatments
    bastages. hero to zero in one day.

    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    roid was my favorite until he lost his post count, now he's my bitch!,bwahahahahahaha

  8. #208
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    Quote Originally Posted by Geeezer
    Geeezer, (1*), ***xxx***, *Admin*, -DedicateD-, 10nispro, 1buffsob, 1luv, 2fast4u, 305GUY, 39+1, 440Charger, adicelmare, Adonis, af_firedawg, agiraldo, akrosmegas, allupr**y, Amorphic, Amuuzing, AnabolicBoy1981, anabollocks, anaBROLIC, Anavar Man, androbolic_09, ArnoldsSon, Atomini, audis4, ausmade, Baba, BAG0529, batlin, bazerk, bbuff, bcaasdirty, BEAR101, beatango2008, benzino9, beretta240, betatest, big chuck, big4nuthin, BIGB, Bigbench, bigboomer, bigcats, bigfish, BIGGIE_smalls, BigGuns101, BigMC, Billytk03z, blackbird, blackhalo, BladesOfBlood, Blitz777, Blome, Blown_SC, Boardrider, bodypaul, Bojangles69, bongoz, Booz , bor, Bottle-Poppin, boxer1, bpm1, bradd5150, BraSo, Brent_G, brewerpi, brjrj0000, Bryan2, buds, BuffDJ, buffgator, bulkyboy, bulldawg_28, burman, c-shuk, canadian meat, Canadiantiger, CaptainDominate, cbc5010, Checa, CheddaNips, chinowong, chuckt12345, cimbaki, Civic0, CL_SAYED, combatstang, copenhagen, Crankman, cwhid, CYP400, D-CELL, Dangerdan, dank1970, dblock189, dc2007, DCB83, DeBaie, dece870717, dedic8ed1, demonds, Devils Mentor, DionXL, Dizz28, DNoMac, Doberman, Doc.Sust, Dog-Slime, Double_J, drod555, DSM4Life, dwaynewade, eacman65, eckstg, ecto9, eightball17, eliteforce, fast, Feeilkaz, flash31, flex_w, forcemaxx, Froggy, ftony, garrett T, Gassy, Gear, gear_up, generic, getbig32, getbig79, getnjakked, getpaid, gibson924, gimmewings, ginkobulloba, gixxerboy1, godkilla, godofwar23, goin on 4T, goonstopher, gotjuice?, Growingpains, gtxben, guardian angel, Guardian74, Gunnard, Gunnard187, gya321, HardCharger, HardcoreMuscleJunkie, hauss man, heinerle, Hephens, Hiroyuki Okajima, hockeyroom28, hocoathlete, Hokies, HORSE, hosam4ever, hugoboss, hugovsilva, Humanimal, IamSteve, iceman145, Icon, IFR, Igifuno, Illsuions, ImaGetBigger, importeater91, InsaneInTheMembrane, InsaneMike, Intalex81, I_Want_Abs, J*U*icEd, J-41-sd, j.c.arg, Jabroni, JackBauer, jAcKeD!!!!, Jake94, Jakspro, JASA, jason00, Jayhova, JAYROD, jaysunderstudy, JAY_WD, JC2007, JDawg1536, JDMSilviaSpecR, Jenseno9, jerseyboy, JiGGaMaN, jimbo13, jml5455, johnmacdan, johnstaley7, Johny-too-small, jojo2002, jonii123, jono, Jorg, JRoadZ, jsimon, jspeno_99, Jucinator2, juicehoe, Juicy J, juju, Justarting, JWP806, JYZZA, k bizzle, kal300, Kale, Kalgargetrecy, KaOs101, Kelleh, kihop, king6, Kratos, krigby, lacey231, lamont, LatinoPR, Lexed, lifterjaydawg, lightwaytbaby, Lil man 10, lkassici, LmbrJak, locofoco, longhorn814, lucabratzi, Luuke, M1chael, m8intl, maffie, magic32, Maldorf, manster__34, mario_ps2, mark210, markdessler1, matt50, matthewknight, me2, Mealticket, MESSY_UK, methan_C17, millionairemurph, mjfpt73, Mogamedogz, money31, MotoXracer, mrvtwin80, muriloninja, muscle96ss, musclestack, Musulhed1010, mwolffey, naturalsux, nbkandrew13, needmorestrength, NeverSummer29, nitro884, noddy1, Noliac, NotSmall, notus, novastepp, number twelve, nwp, NYG, nyjetsfan86, olr77, olvios, outlawtas, P H O E 7 0 2, Pags, palqkat, passthetest, pedro01, Peligro, perfectbeast2001, Peter, peteroy01, pewntang, pgilligan10, phatmasta, Pheedno, PiecinItUp, pimpdawgin, Polska, powerlifter18, pr0digalsun, Prada, Pure Hate, r1ddl3r, rabidsquirrel, rana173, randal19, realjo1000, RedBaron, Renesis, Rickson, ricotubbs, Ridla, RJstrong, ron123, Ruski_Armo, rx8rone, Sage, Saunacrank, scaramouche, scottish, scottythebody, scriptfactory, Second2None, Sepsis, Serotonin, seventhlttd, ShadetreeJones, shortyepic, SilverToungedDevil, skank, Skills, skinnyhb, skoaler29, Slaiv, Smart-tony, smokethedays, snatchgrip, sol, solidA, soo2bhuge, spooledup, Stackertoo, SteM, stocky121, StoneGRMI, Suworu~Nutsuki, TADOLFI, taiboxa, Tank80, TesticularFortitude, TEST_ME!, Tex41483, the.tunisian.muscle, TheArtist, TheButcher69, TheDfromGC, theicon7777, TheSandman, thetank, Titleist, Tman_85, Tock, tommik, topnotch, TR'05, TRAINING GURU, tripmachine, tripple6, Tuckus, Tutty76, tvd220, Tyler Durdin, unclemoney, VICTORY24, vincenzocaccotti, vitor, wanna_c_gains, WAR79, wascaptain5214, WhyUDoThaT, xlxBigSexyxlx, XNathan, x_moe, yarakefendi, youknowit45, ZaneFan, ziinus, ZiOh6, zipster_dude
    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS im on that list.....hahahaha

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by goodcents
    What about me? I even brought fudge Btw long time no see back.

    you never sent me pics! and I never got the fudge...

    and thanks for the welcome back.

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