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Thread: Do you believe in the Death Penalty?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Do you believe in the Death Penalty?

    I am a supporter of the Death Penalty in certain child murders, premeditated murder, etc..

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    I am not a supporter.
    Theirs always that chance that you've got the wrong man, plus I think life without parole would be a far worse sentence than death.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    The Rink!!
    I believe that if there is no doubt in the legal system mind and they have all the evidence and the person is found guilty..they should hand that person over to the family of the person they killed and the rest will take care of itself.

    paybacks a bitch!

    with the dna and all now it is alot less likely to get the wrong guy now. Back in the old days I can see how they screwed up not to say they don't screw up now..but if all the evidece is there. Hang the dude!

    Just My 2 cents

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    All for it!

    As a matter of fact, I wish prisoners who were sentenced to life would have the option of choosing the gas chamber right when they go into prison. Pick door #1 or #2, I bet a lot would choose to get it over with and then our prison population would drop, not to mention the $ we would save.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Child rapers or having child porn on your computer, the police should just shoot them in the face and go have a dounut!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I'm for it in certain case's also.


  7. #7
    They should institute a more horrible death sentence. I dont agree with this bullshit drug injecting of a sedative then a poison that puts them to sleep peacefully. I say public executions/pay-per-view, hangings should be brought back, that would definately be a deterrent against criminals...we are way to liberal, if we keep it up we will end up like Rome....we should look at the Asian crime rate and pattern our punishment after works obviously!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Dirty South, TEXAS
    I'm in favor of it if they know for a fact your guilty. I don't see how a person could kill, and get to live for it.
    Wake chicks- We make your boat look good.

  9. #9
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    I think that if you commit a crime you should have to pay for it, no if ands, whats, buts about it. IMO that is the problem with all these murders and child molestors, they know they will get off in a few years, hell, what other place can you eat, sleep and weight lift, and not have to worry about paying any bills? Alot of criminals love it there, don't have to work, or worry, well about paying bills anyways.

  10. #10
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    We are born with basic human rights, including the right to live. No matter what you do in life, I believe that right shouldn't be legally taken away. What is the world saying about the value of life when some lives are considered more valuable?

    Some might say that capital punishment deters crime. Explain this to me please. During an act of violence, how many people do you think stop and ponder "Hmmm...maybe I shouldn't do this, I could get the death penalty"?

    Some might say that capital punishment saves money. Nope, not the case. On average, it costs a lot more to house an inmate on death row for the entire length of his appeals than it does to pay for him to spend the rest of his life in prison.

    Now consider how reliable state and federal governments are. You can't trust most of them to balance a budget, or heck, hold a federal election in one day. So why are you giving them the power to kill? Its easy to pinpoint the problem and wipe it out, but the cause of the problem still exists. Too much effort is being put into "justice" and not enough into preventing crime.

    "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." - Gandhi

  11. #11
    I agree with Diesel...eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. But if it was up to me, I would even take it a step further. I would bring back public executions. Humilty would be the ultimate punishment. Seeing someone's head severed in town square would serve to remind citizens of the consequences of committing a crime. Just think... the money hungry society we live in, we could turn public executions into pay-per view entertainment. Instead of those shitty real tv shows such as cops, temptation island, survivor, we could have "criminals." How entertaining would that be..."Introducing today's guest...Wayne Parker...30 yr old engineer from Charlotte, NC...Crime= child molestation. Punishment= goes to the highest bidder. And the winner goes to the Green team for $500 dollars. The green team huddles...And they choose to have Wayne lay down naked with his genitals covered in food and let starved pit bulls go to feast. And the crowd starts to go wild!!!!"
    Alright nevermind this was just a thought, I'm catholic... I'm supposed to forgive and forget. Sorry. My mind was running wild. But it sure sounds good, doesn't it?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Northern New Jersey
    eye for an eye... murderers should be executed in the same manner as the victim that they took the life of... fuckin scumbags

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Originally posted by Diesel
    I'm in favor as well. Eye for an Eye.
    I also think:
    1) Rapists should have their peckers chopped off.

    2) Theives should have a hand cut off.

    3) Child abusers should be sent to me for years of brutal punishment. (Yes, even priests)

    I'll stop now as I could go on forever.
    Amen bro,

    Child molesters should be hung by there gentals till they fall off. If it ever happend to my children I would personaly take care of the guy. No need for a trial (so the guy can be "cured" and do it again when he's released in a few months)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    i agree with diesel to some extent .I would like to take child molesters and cut their f$%#&$ dicks off.They dont deserve the death penalty !

    I think they should do it like singnapore .Mofo's over there dont screw around.You damage a car and get 3 canes .(ouch)
    And yes even if your a good old American boy lol. you do the crime you pay the consequences.

    It would teach people very at a very young age to have respect for one another etc.

    I have a little bit of a hard time with the death penalty though as you can never be 100%. Those guy's that throw the switch and fry the guy or i guess now the lethal injection that is given is just a guilty as the guy he just killed .Are we to all start killing each other .

    But yet i beleive in making someone suffer for their crimes

    tough subject

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    simpley no, I dont believe in the death sentence. Let me ask you this for those that agree with it, would you hit your child if they did something you dont agree with? It takes intelligence with imagination
    to understand a form of discipline that can both reasonable and ethicaly
    devirge a situation of this magnitude, as Diesel pointed out there are multiple options. Can you believe you deserve the right to take a life with out the potential of given a life back? Dont get me wrong though, if a life of somebody I loved was taken, personally, well you better believe Id take in my own hands that others life. Now thats with ethics out the window, and the legal system as a after thought.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    anabolicmyo, One major flaw I see is child molesters (just an example) are "rehabilitated" and then in a year or so there back on the street. Are they really rehabilitated? Hell No! They continue to molest little children. Same with rapist, murders, and robbers. Why the hell should those scum bags be let back out to hurt more people.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    The land of stars
    Fry the fuckers!!!!!!!! If you take someone else life then you deserve to loose you own touch a child then you should be raped to death in a cell with four huge motherf* rape a should be skinned....

    There is no need for these type of crimes in america.....if start killing htese stupoid f*cks then the rest of the sick assholes will see the punishement and then maybe think twixe...

    Just my 2 cents

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    In A Gym Near You
    I believe in "an eye for an eye." Under certain circumstances, I believe in the death penalty. If its accidental death, then no-you shouldn't be sentenced to die. Rapist-definately should die.

  19. #19
    Excess, here is a little info for you:

    4 ft burlap rope = $15
    3 ft stool = $10
    giant oak tree = free
    hanging a fucking murderer = priceless

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    in priniciple capital punishment is ok with me. but our system is fatally flawed. just ask illinois. 12 people executed. 13 released from death row do to dna evidence clearing them. this should never happen. all prisoners should have had dna testing done in thier cases (if possible) to clear them. but as the prosecution controls all evidence, they prevent it.

    as for child molesters and rapists. we have to remember that if a guy 18 has sex with his 17 year old gf of 3 years in some states its rape. if a boy 14 has sex with his 13 year old gf of 3 years in some states its child rape/molesting. will we execute these people too? also, for most rapists its not sex its power. member removal wouldnt work.

    eye for an eye and torture sounds good. but is that what we want of society? the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishments in the constitution is there for a reason. we are civilised. do we want to torture people. maybe then we can become like abu sayef or al queda.

    if you act like your enemy, you are your enemy. as a society we should strive to be better than we are.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    West Coast
    If a guy is a child molestor or kidnapper, and he is caught in the act, he should be shot on site.

  22. #22
    chinups Guest
    I don't understand we have been learning this forever. One of the first thing your parents teach you is "do to others in which you would have done to you" Fry all them cowards

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by usualsuspect
    I agree with Diesel...eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. But if it was up to me, I would even take it a step further. I would bring back public executions. Humilty would be the ultimate punishment. Seeing someone's head severed in town square would serve to remind citizens of the consequences of committing a crime. Just think... the money hungry society we live in, we could turn public executions into pay-per view entertainment. Instead of those shitty real tv shows such as cops, temptation island, survivor, we could have "criminals." How entertaining would that be..."Introducing today's guest...Wayne Parker...30 yr old engineer from Charlotte, NC...Crime= child molestation. Punishment= goes to the highest bidder. And the winner goes to the Green team for $500 dollars. The green team huddles...And they choose to have Wayne lay down naked with his genitals covered in food and let starved pit bulls go to feast. And the crowd starts to go wild!!!!"
    Alright nevermind this was just a thought, I'm catholic... I'm supposed to forgive and forget. Sorry. My mind was running wild. But it sure sounds good, doesn't it?
    Great, I see MadMax and Gladiator all over again.
    Sad but probably true about society. I heard something about this the other day on a radio station I was listening to. Mentioning the possibilty about reality shows in the next 10 years televising executions. I think its horrible. No person or child should be subject to having the ability to watch this. It will only make people more dimented and crazy IMO.

  24. #24
    I believe in the death penalty but I also believe that life in prison is just as bad? Who here has been to prison? Can you imagine wakeing up everyday knowing that you still have to do this for another 60+ years. TO me that would be worse then death.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Indiana. My phallus is bigger than Nathan's!
    babyweight, your "patron" of the other night might have watched a few too many executions

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by jeffylyte
    babyweight, your "patron" of the other night might have watched a few too many executions

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Originally posted by Babyweight

    Great, I see MadMax and Gladiator all over again.
    Sad but probably true about society. I heard something about this the other day on a radio station I was listening to. Mentioning the possibilty about reality shows in the next 10 years televising executions. I think its horrible. No person or child should be subject to having the ability to watch this. It will only make people more dimented and crazy IMO.

    BW; there are two ways to look at it. One is what you stated, the fact that it could really disturb a young individual. The other is that televising executions is no different then the old town hangings..., which just may help reduce those acts of crime... Just a thought.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Miller's Crossing
    Originally posted by NoLimits

    old town hangings..., which just may help reduce those acts of crime... Just a thought.
    Town hangings were not used to lower crime. It was a business. Those "attractions" brought visitors to watch, which raised revenue for the city in which the execution was held. It wasn't crime prevention, it was tourism and fund raising.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Pasadena, Texas
    I believe in the death penality.

    Once people get used to being in jail they can carve a pretty ok life for themselves. hell i have family that works in one of the prisons here and you cant believe what the inmates are intitled to. cable tv! medical attention when they request it, and so on.

    sounds petty but who pays for this? we do, the honest tax payers.

    Take them out back and shoot them in the head, and make them pay for the bullet.

    some crimes demand justice for the family and death is a choice in my mind.

    Im a terrible new buddist for feeling this way and im trying to change it, but in my life i have been affected by two people that ended up on death row.

    Nothing could be more deserved for both of those guys but death row. believe me.. they didnt care when they took lives and they still dont care from what i hear.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I totally agree with it. I do believe that our courts need some major kinks worked out, but this rehab stuff is BS. If someone ever kills a family member or god forbid does ANYTHING to my son i will take care of it because i know the courts will screw it up and they guy will be out in 3-5. With all the DNA testing that they have now there is such a small chance of getting the wrong person. Most of these crimes we are talking about there is usally an overwhelming amount of evidence as well. The pay-per view thing although i would watch i could see that being a lil problem to some, lol. The way i look at it if you get past my ADT alarm, .40cal or the 9mm, or even the .38, and Mak-90 you can have whatever is in my house.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    u all say "death sentence" like it was a bad thing......
    make them work 16 hours a day on a desert island chipping chess figures out of granite rocks .....death is too nice and easy to be considered as a punishment

  32. #32
    Join Date
    May 2002
    life without parole is much better then death........ death gives you a way out man

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada
    EYE FOR AN EYE, TOOTH FOR A TOOTH, you f*** with the bull you get the horn, that's it...XXL

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    no where
    You kill someone you should be killed

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    yeah all child killers should be sentanced to death,slowly

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    I think that all child molesters or people that hurts kids should fry in the chair immediately without a long trial. These fvckin sick fvks that are hurting these kids lately need their freaking balls cut off and shoved down their throat. it really pisses me off to see these innocent young kids get hurt by these fvkin idiots. This subject really gets me cause i have kids of my own and just would go bezerk if anyone even looked at them in a way that looked funny.

  37. #37
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    I expected this to be a one sided argument, considering the majority of the members here are probably white and middle class. Over 80% of persons executed are convicted of killing whites, although people of color make up over half of all homicide victims in the United States. A decent trial lawyer will charge at least $250,000 for a capital murder case. Many of the inmates sentenced to death row were forced to use public defenders, whom do not include DNA analysis and forensics experts in their arguments. This isn't to say that these people didn't commit the crimes they were convicted of, but it goes to show that inequality is a death sentence in itself.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    and still keep on mind the chance of human error ...
    I just look it thinking that someone can be wrongfully sentenced ,and what if it's you?

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